Toxic: Chapter #76 | A-Sass-In Creed

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Zach's Present

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I twirl my pen through my fingers as I lean back in the desk chair. I have put so much down into this journal in front of me, so many words, each letter inked and full of pain but also laced with joy and relief and cannot deny that it feels amazing.

I think back to some of my earlier words and swivel in my seat to look at Giana. "Hey, My Sunflower?"

She looks up from her book with a smile. "What's up My Penguin?"

I grin and gesture to the door. "Would you be up for some video game time?"

Her eyes hold a mischievous glint, shimmering with challenge as she nods. "Oh, absolutely. What game?"

My eyebrow lifts and my lips twitch in amusement, the feeling evident in my tone as I reply. "I was thinking about playing some ACreed ."

Faster than lightning, Giana leaps up, sets her kindle aside, and starts bouncing on the balls of her feet, her body nearly vibrating with excitement. "Hell yes!!"

I let out a soft chuckle and stand, stretching to get out the kinks from sitting so long. I leave my pen on the desk and take her hand, intertwine our fingers and kiss her cheek. We head downstairs and I can feel the excitement radiating off of her in waves. It's palpable and infectious.

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Giana hurries over to the console and scans the shelf next to it. "Hmm. Syndicate, Odyssey or one of the others?"

I think for a moment. "Hm. Well, I know how much you adore Syndicate. Maybe we can play both, but start with Syndicate?"

A grin forms on her face and she blows me a kiss as she pulls out Assassin's Creed: Syndicate and puts the disc into our Xbox One S. Giana then sits cross legged on the floor in front of the couch holding the controller. "Come on, Il mio pinguino."

I quickly grab two sodas from the kitchen, a Mountain Dew for me and a Georgia Peach soda for her, before joining her, setting the sodas on the coffee table. "I'm here. Are you going first?"

She nods and then glances at me. I quirk a brow at her hesitance and then blink in surprise when she holds the controller out for me to take. "Actually, I was going to go first but I think you should."

My brow furrows in confusion. "Oh? Why would I go first?"

She smirks, a teasing lilt to her voice as she says, "So that I can then demonstrate how it's done."

I feigned offense, my hand pressing to my chest in a wounded manner. "Madam, you wound me with your remark. Just you wait and see. I happen to be a pro at Sassing."

She giggles at my pun and then shakes her head. "We'll just have to wait and see, won't we, Mr. Anderson?"

I nod, taking the controller that she holds out to me. "We will indeed, Mrs. Anderson."

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I always choose to play using the character Jacob because I prefer the brute strength and yet there are some missions you have to use Evie for. Giana is the opposite of me and prefers to use the character Evie because of her stealth but there are some missions you have to use Jacob for.

It is fun to play with Giana and sometimes we will each do the missions for the character we prefer. I take over for her when it's time to use Jacob and she takes over for me when it's time to use Evie. We spend about four hours playing Assassin's Creed Syndicate and get about halfway through the game. I actually bought Giana real throwing knives for her last birthday. In addition to those I also got her lessons on how to use them considering she loves Evie so much. Now she has two sets thanks to Gecko and me.

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