Toxic: Chapter #32 | Sparks Fly

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Zach's Past

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Pretty soon, July rolled around, and I was surprised how the time had flown. We ended up celebrating Boa's birthday on July 3rd and it was a lot of fun. One of my favorite things about it was that he managed to get Giana to play catch with him and he had a huge grin the entire time. Apparently, she had a perfect spin when she threw the ball.

Later, Boa said to me, "I agree with Alec. Can we please keep her????"

I blushed crimson and lowered my voice to avoid anyone except him from hearing my reply. "She's not an object, Boa but I wouldn't mind her sticking around."

Boa grinned and hugged me. "Good." Then he went back out into the yard to continue playing catch with her.

I watched them as I leaned against the railing of the porch. I was pretty observant. So, I wasn't oblivious to her glancing at me every now and then. I was sporting a light blush the entire time.

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When I went to walk her home, I was debating asking her a question and when we got to Lu's house, I gathered my courage and said, "G-Giana?"

She had her hand on the doorknob but paused and looked at me. "Yes, Zach?"

I swallowed thickly and then asked, "I-I was wondering if maybe you'd like to come to the cookout tomorrow?" I wanted to end that question with two little words...with me.

She tilted her head and softly asked, "I won't be intruding, will I?"

I shook my head. "Not at all. You'll be coming with me. So that's not intruding." I didn't immediately realize that I had said with me but when I did, my face reddened immensely. "I m-mean coming with me and Lu. Like walking." I didn't notice her face fall a little at my backtracking.

When I met her gaze again, she had a soft smile on her face and said, "I'd love to go to the cookout, Zach. Should I bring anything?"

I fiddled with my bracelet and shrugged one shoulder. "Well, sometimes we swim. So, you can bring something to swim in if you want. Mom and dad go all out for like food. I don't honestly care. I'm just happy you'll come."

She grinned at that. "Well then I'll see you soon."

I nodded excitedly, my heart racing. "Absolutely. Oh, and um...ZuZu always has us play sand volleyball. You don't have to play but I figured you would like a heads up."

Giana raised an eyebrow. "Oh? Well then, I'm definitely coming. I love volleyball."

My heart swelled at that little tidbit, and I leaned in close to plant a soft kiss on her cheek. I honestly half expected her to pull away, but she stayed still, almost leaning into it. Her cheeks were bright red when I pulled away. "Goodnight Giana."

She smiled and softly said, "Goodnight Zach." We then parted ways. She went inside and once the door was closed, the lock clicking into place, I started making my way back home. I was so excited that I almost didn't sleep at all but when I did finally get to sleep, I dreamt of her.

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That Fourth of July was the best we'd ever had and that was saying something. It had always been my favorite holiday. Dad grilled hotdogs and hamburgers, while mom made potato salad. The potato salad was to die for and on top of that we had a side of baked beans. We had crisp and fresh watermelon, lemonade, bell peppers and so much more. I was in seventh heaven, and do you know what the best part of all was? Well, let's just say I had no idea Giana had played volleyball competitively. She was a vision and for the first time ever I saw ZuZu actually get into serious competitiveness mode.

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