Toxic: Chapter #24 | There's No Place Like Home

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Zach's Past

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⚠️Warning: ⚠️

This chapter contains mentions of a forced throwing up, forced eating disorder, an eating disorder, self-deprecation, vomiting and briefly mentions a tattoo that shows ownership.

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Two weeks after being admitted to the hospital, I was discharged with orders that I wasn't allowed to fly. So, we ended up making plans to drive back to Kansas. If you aren't aware how far that is, well it's almost an entire day's drive not to mention the addition of stopping for breaks. So, I laid in my hospital bed listening to my mom, ZuZu, and Lu planning the trip back. Abby, Adam, Addie, Avery, Charlie, Lydia, Raven, and Viola all said their goodbyes and told me they would be checking in with me often. There was a round of hugs exchanged between us and then they left. I didn't say anything but nodded at each of them.

Mom called the Silver Springs Hotel at the halfway mark booking rooms for us all. I felt so bad for all the trouble I was causing but I was so happy to see my family and friends again. There had been days I was so sure I never would. After the reservations for rooms were made, it was time to decide who would ride with who. Lu offered his car, which was bigger, to pack my things into and after a bit of discussion I learned that Giana would be riding with Lu. I don't know why I was both disappointed and relieved by that.

Giana left the hospital at one point to pack a duffel and quickly returned less than an hour later. Lu took the bag from her and packed it into his car. I was going to ride with ZuZu and E-Z, while Boa, Gecko, mom, and dad rode in another car.

Once everything was set, Dr. Wright came to talk to my parents and then to me. I discovered they were going to call in an order to the pharmacy in my hometown for oxygen. Since my brain had been without oxygen for so long, she wanted to make sure I had plenty.

A few hours later, we were all loaded into various vehicles and pulled out of the hospital parking lot. I meant what I said about not talking. I really didn't feel like it and I also hadn't done much talking recently anyways except when I was with Giana, and even then, I didn't say much. Jayden never wanted to hear me talk and I learned not to after being muzzled more times than I could count. Also, Giana was riding with Lu. So, I couldn't really talk to her anyway.

Once we reached the city limits, Zoe took a turn off and went through the drive through. My mouth watered at the scent of greasy food. I couldn't remember the last time I had the pleasure of it. It was another thing Jayden controlled. He didn't want a fat boyfriend or a thin one either, but by controlling what I ate, I ended up way too skinny for my age and height. I was often starving but never allowed to eat more unless Jayden said I could.

Of course, none of my family knew about that and a small part of me was afraid they would tell me I couldn't eat it. I quickly pushed that thought away as even after months of torture and abuse from Jayden, I knew my family wasn't like him in any way, shape or form.

My stomach rumbled, drawing a smile from my siblings. ZuZu glanced back at me. "How does a burger and a milkshake sound?" she asked.

I tilted my head and chewed my lip. I thought it sounded divine. So, I nodded and gave as much of a smile as I could. It was enough for her to suck in a harsh breath. I wondered if those were tears I had glimpsed as she turned back to order. Zeke glanced at me and smiled softly.

"Hi there! Welcome to Beast Burgers Ever. What can I get for you today?"

"Could I get three double cheeseburgers. Two with mustard and ketchup and one with mayo and ketchup please?"

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