Toxic: Chapter #17 | Love's True Light

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Zach's Past

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This chapter contains Mature Themes of Intimacy, Mild Graphic Description, & Mild References to Eating Disorders. There is a scene of painful/rough sex, non-consensual spanking and sex without preparation. We are heading into the darkest chapters now. Take care!

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I've heard people talk about things happening in slow motion or say that time stops, and I never understood what they meant until that moment on that day, April 3rd. When my eyes fell on...her...I felt time stop. If ever I'd been hit by Cupid's arrow it was then. I had never seen her before, but I felt a pull like I just had to know her. Of course, I told myself that was ridiculous. Wasn't it? Well, if that's what you're thinking then you would be thinking the same thing I was.

I looked away from her, not wanting to stare and make myself appear creepy or something. I proceeded to look through the copies of Romeo and Juliet . I was glad there were several copies and just had to decide which ones I wanted to use for the production.

Perhaps that would've been the end of that but less than a minute later I heard a soft voice next to me. "Excuse me?"

I turned my head towards the voice and there she was. I couldn't form words and it's not just because she was absolutely beautiful but because I rarely spoke any more. I tilted my head to show I was acknowledging her.

So, she spoke again. "I was wondering if perhaps you could help me grab that book?"

She pointed to a shelf a bit out of her reach, and I followed the gesture after nodding. I reached up, grabbing the book and handed it to her.

"Thank you." Her smile was also beautiful.

I nodded.

I figured she'd leave then. Certainly there was no reason for her to stay. So, I turned my attention back to the copies of Romeo and Juliet again deciding on three of the seven copies. What I didn't realize was that she was curiously watching me. When I did realize it, I hugged my copy to my chest feeling slightly nervous. It wasn't fear that made me curl inward but rather the shyness that had increased tenfold over the course of my relationship-not that what I had with Jayden should or could be called one.

She, however, was not looking at me so much as what book I was holding. I prepared myself for some negative comments from her. I didn't know. She was a stranger but when you've had the slurs and cruel, hateful things echoing in your mind as much as I had, it's hard to think someone won't react the same way. I remembered Jayden calling me a fairy boy. The irony is we're both guys. So, if I am...that...what does that make him?

I was jostled out of my thoughts when she spoke again. "Come, gentle night; come, loving, black-browed night;/ Give me my Romeo; and, when I shall die,/ Take him and cut him out in little stars,/ and he will make the face of heaven so fine/ that all the world will be in love with night..."

My heart began thudding faster in my chest. No one, not even my fellow theater club members had recited it like...her.

I turned my head towards her and for the first time in months a light pink dusted my cheeks. As the pink faded, my voice came out very soft, "Y-You know Romeo and Juliet ?"

She smiled and nodded before continuing. "O, here/ will I set up my everlasting rest,/ and shake the yoke of inauspicious stars/ from this world-wearied flesh. Eyes, look your last!/ Arms take your last embrace! and, lips, O you/ the doors of breath, seal with a righteous kiss/ a dateless bargain to engrossing death."

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