Toxic: Chapter #23 | Impermanent Solution

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Zach's Past

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⚠️Warning: ⚠️

This chapter contains recovery from a suicide attempt, degrading language, very mild violence and very mild blood. Take care!!

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I was rushed to the emergency room where I was seen by Dr. Chloe Wright. I had been without oxygen for so long that she was concerned it would result in serious brain damage. Suffice it to say, she had every right to be concerned about that. In fact, a few hours later after pumping my stomach and running a few tests, I was wheeled into a hospital room. My clothes were changed out for hospital robes and then they quickly hooked me up to an oxygen machine and put an IV in my arm. I was also connected to a heart monitor as well as various vital monitoring machines.

After that, all they could do was wait for me to wake up and I believe they put me in an induced coma.

Zoe was the one to call mom and dad who pulled Gecko and Boa out of school. The four of them grabbed the first flight out of Kansas.

Adam after clearing it with Zoe called Avery, Lydia, Charlie, Viola, Addie, and Raven. All six of them showed up at the hospital and they stayed for hours.

Even my coach showed up and when Zoe saw all of the people there, she saw just how loved I was by so many. The sight broke her heart even more. She wondered how I lost sight of that. It didn't make sense to her that I would try to end my life when so many loved me.

Giana stayed at the edge of the circle because she only recently met me.

However, Zoe didn't care and quickly went over to her. She pulled Giana into a firm hug, squeezing tightly as her body shook with emotion. "Thank you. T-Thank you."

Giana held my sister just as tightly as ZuZu sobbed. When Giana spoke her voice was soft, "I'm so grateful we got there in time. He's going to be ok, Zoe. He's strong."

Zoe pulled from the hug and tilted her head at Giana. "I don't know what we would've done if you hadn't found the note."

Giana glanced around before looking at Zoe again, her voice barely above a whisper. "I don't believe he truly wanted to die, Zoe. I saw this at the bottom of the note when I re-read it." She showed Zoe the note and this is the small inscription she found at the bottom of the note.

Giana explained to Zoe what the quote meant when all Zoe could give was a confused furrowed look

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Giana explained to Zoe what the quote meant when all Zoe could give was a confused furrowed look. "Romeo and Juliet talked to each other the whole night and made a plan that Romeo would send her a message the next morning about where they could get married. Here, Juliet feels sadness and sorrow for saying goodbye, not knowing that what is coming their way would be beautiful, when they would see each other again."

As Zoe listened to Giana talk about the meaning behind the phrase, she noticed something that neither Giana nor I had noticed before, at least not consciously.

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