Chapter 1

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It was dark and you couldn't see anything. You were laying on the floor of a metal box that was going up fast. The sound of the metal was so loud you had to cover your ears. After about an hour of this it finally stopped. You heard a faint sound or a siren going off outside the box. You looked up a sliver of bright light shined down on you. A boy jumped in next to you.
?-"it's a girl"
He had an accent, you looked at all the guys around you and backed up.Another guy jumped in
?-"im minho"
he put his hand out and helped you to your feet
Y/N-"where am I?"
?-"this is the glade"
it was the first boy
?-"oh i'm sorry, i'm Newt"
Y/N-"nice to meet you i'm... i don't remember"
MINHO-"it'll come back to you soon."
They helped you out of the box and a young boy walked up to you.
?-"im chuck"
Y/N-"hi chu-"
he ran at you and gave you a huge hug. You looked at Minho and Newt and they just smiled.You hugged him back and giggled.
Y/N-"are there any other girls?"
NEWT-"nope, just you"
He smiled
NEWT-"I'll show you around. then you can meet Alby and he'll tell you the rules."
Newt gave you a tour and introduced you to a bunch of people. there was only about 20 other guys in the glade.
NEWT-"this is Alby"
Alby stuck his hand out for you to shake
ALBY-"nice to meet you"
Y/N-"nice to meet you too"
you smiled and he walked you into a building. You looked back at Newt and he gave you a reassuring smile.
ALBY-"so basically we've been here for 2 years"
your eyes got wide
ALBY-"fun huh?"
he listed the jobs and told you that you'd most likely stay with Newt in the garden because he was second in command and can teach you.
Y/N-"You've ALL been here for two years?"
ALBY-"no, i came first. I've been here the longest, then Newt, then Minho, and so on. Chuck was brought up last month, now you're the new greenie."
ALBY-"damn you ask a lot of questions. It's what we call a new person. You'll catch on"
You both walked out of the building and towards everyone else. you saw a group of 8 people come running into the glade.
Y/N-"why were they out there? why are they running?"
ALBY-"that's the maze, only the runners go out there. you leave the glade and you're in trouble.They look for a way out everyday"
Minho came walking over
MINHO-"hey greenie, how was your first day?"
Y/N-"good i guess"
He smiled and lightly punched you in the shoulder before walking away. At dinner you sat with Minho, Newt, Alby, and Chuck. You and Chuck talked the whole time and kept laughing but no one else could really hear you.
MINHO-"wow Chuck's out here already getting the only girl."
He winked at chuck and laughed. Chuck laughed and then whispered in your ear so everyone knew he was telling you something.
CHUCK-"he's just mad he can't"
You were drinking your water and almost spit it out. You stood up and backed up a few steps from the table. You started coughing and laughing. Chuck sat there and giggled to himself.Alby smiled and shook his head while looking at his food.
MINHO-"what did you say you little."
NEWT-"woah woah woah! easy Minho"
they all laughed and you walked back to the table and sat down. you noticed a guy staring at you and he looked mad.
Y/N-"whos that?"
They all turned at the same time you put your face in you hands
Y/N-"oh my god"
?-"what are you shanks looking at
MINHO-"shut up Gally."
NEWT-"that's gally"
Y/N-"figured since you know-minho just said that"
Alby laughed and Newt shook his head while Smiling.
GALLY-"greenie come here!"
NEWT-"oh god"
You stood up and Chuck grabbed your hand
CHUCK-"let me know if you need me"
He winked and then punched the air, you just laughed and walked towards gally.

Her eyes - maze runner / newt and Thomas Where stories live. Discover now