Chapter 13

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Y/N-"i don't really know... he just woke up and then started talking about something-" MINHO-"what?"
Y/N-"i- i don't know he wasn't making any sense"
THOMAS-"he said everything is going to change... what does that mean?"
NEWT-"who knows? he has poison in his body from the sting. it's probably just some weird side effect."  Y/N-"i don't know-he seemed serious"
MINHO-"he probably doesn't know what he's saying"
Y/N-"or maybe he does-"
MINHO-"just drop it until the morning.. okay?"
They started leaving the room and you sat back down
NEWT-"I'm not leaving you with him alone"
Chuck had ran off and he was definitely not coming back
Y/N-"it's fine... honestly"
NEWT-"I'm staying. nothing you say will change my mind"
He sat next to you and you leaned your head on him. He hugged you and you fell asleep in his arms. you woke up in the morning and Alby was awake.
ALBY-"y/n i heard about what i did. i'm sorry"
Y/N-"it's okay alby, i know you didn't mean it"
you smiled at him and you all walked out to breakfast. You started working when the alarm went off.
Y/N-"the box shouldn't be coming up yet. Thomas got here a week and a half ago..."
you ran over and everyone gathered around. Thomas lifted the top and Newt dropped in.
NEWT-"it's a girl"
The gladers looked at you and you stepped forward to look down at the girl.
Y/N-"what's in her hand?"
NEWT-"it's a note. it says she's the last one... ever"
you heard whispers throughout the glade
THOMAS-"she looks dead"
Y/N-"help her up, where are the medjacks?"
They carried her to the medical tent and the medjacks confirmed she was in a coma. You walked over to Newt and whispered to him
Y/N-"remember what alby said? maybe this has to do with it.."
NEWT-"don't be ridiculous"
Y/N-"i'm being serious!"
NEWT-"it's fine y/n"
he walked off and into the medical tent. Alby walked over to you
ALBY-"what was that about?"
Y/N-"i don't know what the hell his deal is."
alby hugged you and you waited for minho. Newt spent the whole day with the medjacks and the new girl.You were honestly jealous because you really liked Newt and he just kinda dropped you. Minho came back from running and you ran over to him. MINHO-"is everything 1 okay?"
he seemed worried about you
Y/N-"they brought up another girl, she's in a coma and there was a note that said she's the last one ever"
MINHO-"but thomas was just brought up"
Y/N-"i think it has to do with what alby said..."
MINHO-"i think you're right. where's Newt?"
You nodded towards the tent and gave him the look
MINHO-"oh god what did he do?"
Y/N-"he walked away from me mid conversation so go sit with that girl all day" MINHO-"i'll talk to him"
he left so you hung out with Thomas. All of a sudden he gasped and squeezed his eyes shut
Y/N-" thomas? what's wrong?"
he looked at you and went back to normal
Y/N-"thomas tell me"
THOMAS-"i said it was nothing!"
you were shocked that he was yelling at you. you took a step back and he just I kept looking at you.
Y/N-"thomas if something just happened you have to tell us"
THOMAS-"i don't have to say shit"
Y/N-"thomas i don't know if you forgot but there are 30+ people in this glade trying to find a way out and fight for their life! you've been here a week!"
Alby and minho noticed you guys fighting and walked over
THOMAS-"it's not like it would do anything to get us out of here!"
Y/N-"then why do you have to hide it?!"
Minho grabbed you and Alby grabbed Thomas. You walked away with minho to the lake. the memories of ben flooded your mind, you didn't have to ask, you knew he had been banished.
MINHO-"what's going on y/n?"
Y/N-"minho i'm so tired. i don't want to be here anymore..."
you had tears running down your face.
MINHO-"we're gonna find a way out-"
you broke down and were crying. Minho hugged you as you cried. You didn't like to cry around the guys but you were over this.
MINHO-"y/n we all love you. please don't give up..."
you looked him in the eyes and then heard Chuck coming. you rubbed your eyes and he came right up to you.
CHUCK-"hey you guys ready for the bonfire?"
MINHO-"yea we're coming"
You guys stood up and Minho gave you another hug
MINHO-"everything is gonna be okay"
you nodded and walked to the fire. Newt and Thomas were talking and you tried to avoid both of them.

Her eyes - maze runner / newt and Thomas Where stories live. Discover now