Chapter 19

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You all got weapons ready and planned for the night. You and Newt didn't say a word to each other but teresa was all over him. You ignored it as much as your could and kept getting ready. Your cut had healed pretty well and you didn't feel much pain. Minho and the runners ran the maze like usual and nothing had changed out there. same pattern like usual. Thomas and Chuck were setting up sleeping bags in the homestead and you had tried to make decoys around the glade to maybe I trick some grievers. you and Thomas got everyone set up and helped Frypan I bring food into the homestead. You all were in there so you could here the plan for tonight.
ALBY "there are fake gladers set up out there. we're going to hope that distracts them but if not... stay away from the windows"
Thomas whispered to you
THOMAS-"that makes me feel a lot better"
Y/N-"he really has a way with words"
you smiled at each other and Newt was watching you. He got jealous and started talking to Teresa. You and thomas were just super close at the time. You honestly thought of him as just a friend but thomas liked you a little. He was talking to minho about it the night before. Minho got back from running and sa by you and thomas in the homestead. you all ate dinner and waited for night. a griever screamed and you ran to the window to watch.
ALBY:"y/n be careful"
TERESA-"we could sacrifice her you know"
you ignored her and kept looking. A griever grabbed the fake glader and ran into the maze
Y/N "it took it
the gladers quietly cheered. Chuck was sitting near a boarded up window. All of a sudden a griever ripped the window open and grabbed chuck.
you screamed his name and ran out of the homestead.
MINHO-"it didn't work"
THOMAS-"no sh!t"
they followed after you. you sprinted toward chuck and he was crying out for you. You got close enough and stabbed the griever in the back. It screeched and tackled you. your eyes changed purple again and it I just looked at you. Minho and Thomas came over and stabbed it in the head causing it to die. They grabbed chuck and pulled you out from under the thing.
THOMAS-"you did it again... your eyes"
Y/N-"what does it mean?"
MINHO-"i don't know but that was awesome."
you remembered the glowing from its back and grabbed the piece out of it. It was covered in slime and revealed a word.
THOMAS-"what does that mean?"
Y/N-"i don't know but we should probably go back I inside"
you all went back in and you held Chuck close to you. he kept telling you he was okay but you weren't taking any chances, you, thomas and Minho all looked at the device from the griever but couldn't figure out what it meant.All of a sudden you had an idea Y/N-"i need the maps. from the maze"
MINHO-"they're in the other building"
Y/N-"let's go"
you stood up and so did they
TERESA-"so you guys get to leave?"
Y/N-"you wanna come?"
you gave her a dirty look and started to leave
Y/N-"alby watch chuck"
CHUCK-"I'm fine"
alby nodded and walked over to him. you guys left the homestead and went into the runner building. You started laying them out and eventually they said a phrase. MINHO-"look it says the same thing that's on that thing"
he pointed to the griever device
Y/N-"i think we have to use this to get out. and i think we have to jump off the cliff to get out"
THOMAS-"that's called suicide y/n"
Y/N-"no, have you ever seen that small part of it that looks different? almost like a force field or something? i think that's where the grievers come from and i think that's our Way out."
MINHO-"and if it's not?"
Y/N-"then we die trying"
the looked at each other and you smiled
Y/N-"listen i'll do it and if i don't say anything after 2 minutes i'm dead and you probably shouldn't come in"
THOMAS-"that's a great plan y/n"
he was being sarcastic and you giggled
MINHO-"we're going in the maze all together tomorrow. we're gonna look at what she's talking about and decide from there. got it?"
he punched you in the arm and you all went back to the homestead. Alby and Chuck were sitting together drawing and teresa and Newt were talking. Your eyes glowed purple and thomas grabbed your arm
THOMAS-"youre doing it again"
Y/N-"what the hell does it mean?"
THOMAS-"im not sure..."
you squeezed your eyes shut and opened them. They were back to normal THOMAS-"youre good now"
Y/N-"what is wrong with me?"
THOMAS "nothing is wrong with you. we just need to find out what it means."
there was only an hour until morning.

Her eyes - maze runner / newt and Thomas Where stories live. Discover now