Chapter 34

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LOUIS-"we will be"
Y/N-"actually cover for us this time"
they smiled and you all went to bed. You and Louis woke up at 1am and told the others you were leaving. They helped you climb into the vent and then Louis pulled himself up. LOUIS-"so what room do we go to?"
Y/N-"I'm guessing it's either in the lab or somewhere in the pharmacy, pharmacy is closer so we'll go there first and then the lab"
LOUIS-"I'll follow you"
you started crawling and after 20 minutes made it to the pharmacy.
Y/N-"the light are off. i think it's clear."
you quietly opened the vent and climbed down. Louis got down and you looked around. LOUIS-"I don't see anything"
Y/N-"i don't either"
louis saw a chart that had your names on it. He grabbed you and moved your hair so he could see see the mark on your neck.
LOUIS-"it only says C3"
you looked at his
Y/N-"yours only says C2"
LOUIS-"they don't know what's going to happen to us"
Y/N-"they don't have a plan yet"
You heard someone coming I so you both crouched under a table. a man came in and grabbed a bottle of pills. He left right after and locked the door.
LOUIS-"do you know what he grabbed?"
Y/N-"no i didn't look at that bottle before."
LOUIS-"we should probably go to the lab. it's already 1:37"
Y/N-"yea you're right, give me a boost."
you stepped on his hands and climbed into the vent. he was much taller so he just grabbed a chair and pulled himself up with no problem.
Y/N-"it's this way"
you started crawling again and after a long time finally reached the lab. there were tons of doctors running around. Louis whispered to you
LOUIS-"what do we do?"
Y/N-"i guess we just watch and listen to what they say. nothing else we really can do." no one really talked and all you saw was them crushing pills and adding liquids together. louis made a confused face at you and you just shook your head. you had no idea what was going on. You waited for an hour watching and then decided to go back to your room. you were climbing above a laundry room when the vent fell from the ceiling, you landed in a huge laundry bin and Louis fell next to you. you couldn't help but laugh and he laughed too.
LOUIS-"we're f*cked"
you climbed out of the bin and walked to the door. there was a window and you looked out
Y/N-"it's empty, we can run back to our room"
LOUIS-"and what if the doors locked?"
Y/N-"we'll cross that bridge when we get there"
you opened the door and ran. you were almost there when you ran into someone. you fell to the ground and Louis helped you up.
you smiled and stood up
DOCTOR-"what are you doing out of your room?"
LOUIS-"we had to use the restroom and got lost. i'm louis by the way."
he shook the doctors hand
DOCTOR-"you can call me Matt. let's go back to your room"
Y/N-"good idea"
he walked you back and unlocked the door, you and louis ran in and the guys woke up. NOAH-"you seriously got caught"
LOUIS-"yea but it's okay. matt is chill"
the guys looked at him and you just laughed
Y/N-"he's the one i was talking about, anyway we think they're still making it in the lab" SAWYER-"so what's the plan?"
LOUIS-"well ask group a at breakfast"
you guys went back to bed and were woken up at 9 by guards
GUARD-"wake up. breakfast starts in 10"
You started getting ready and walked into the cafeteria with everyone. They made you sit at separate tables based off what group you were in. you looked at Newt and you stood up. a guard started walking towards you but you didn't care. you sat next to minho.
NOAH "she's going to get in trouble"
LOUIS-"when is she not"
they laughed and you talked to your friends
Y/N-"what's the plan? quick"
MINHO "so basically-
GUARD-"i don't know if you're confused but your are not a member of group a"
Y/N"technically i am"
he grabbed your arm and it hurt, the flare made you have a quick temper when it came to getting mad. you punched him in the face and Newt stood up, same with Louis. another guard grabbed you and everyone watched.
NEWT-"just let her go. she's not immune. its not her fault"
the guard looked at you and your eyes turned to a bright distinct blue(if you already have blue eyes think of a different shade) you felt hurt when you heard newt say that. it finally hit that you really I weren't immune.
LOUIS-"it's okay y/n. remember we go through this together."
Janson walked over to you
JANSON-"the flare does weird things to you. I'm sorry y/n."
you looked around and saw a door. you ran to it and Louis chased after you.

Her eyes - maze runner / newt and Thomas Where stories live. Discover now