Chapter 21

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MINHO-"and i thought she was the stupid one"
thomas grabbed a knife and walked over to it
Y/N-"why don't we just kill it while it's asleep?"
MINHO-"yea why wouldn't we do that"
THOMAS-"you know i didn't think about"
you made a face at him and he smiled at you
MINHO-"okay let's stop with the flirting and kill this thing"
Y/N-"what i-"
THOMAS-"we aren't-"
the griever growled and you all looked at it.
Y/N "thomas get away from it"
he slowly started backing up and the griever moved toward him. you jumped in Front and your eyes changed. It looked at you and then jumped on looked in your eyes and it's eyes changed too.Minho stabbed it and killed it.Thomas grabbed you and tried to get you out.
Y/N-"it's on my leg, i can't get it out"
MINHO-"we need someone to help"
THOMAS-"gally! come here!"
GALLY-"oh god..."
he jumped and landed in the room. he screamed at the griever.
" NEWT-"what?! are you okay?"
MINHO-"he's fine!"
THOMAS-"help us get this off of her"
the started lifting it and you still couldn't get out.
Y/N-"it's eyes changed, did you see it?"
THOMAS-"yea i saw it, we need someone else"
he hesitated but came. he also freaked out when he I saw it.
GALLY "get on thomas' side and lift"
they lifted it and you ced climbed out.
Y/N-"thanks guys"
you walked over to the computer and started entering the code
Y/N-"get them in here"
Gally and Newt went to go help and you kept putting the phrase in
Y/N-"it won't work. there isn't enough spaces for enter"
MINHO-"maybe you should hit the enter key" You put you hand up to your mouth and Thomas laughed
MINHO-"no i was right... you're the stupid one"
You laughed and hit enter. The gladers came over and a door opened.
Y/N-"you guys can go first this time..."
THOMAS-"minho... all you man"
MINHO-"you know i hate you guys sometimes"
He walked out and into another dark room. there was a window and you could see a bunch of people dead
Y/N-"oh my gosh..."
A woman came out and talked to you.
?-" congratulations. you completed phase 1 of the trials."
You looked at minho and then people burst in the room with guns. they grabbed you guys and threw you into a bus. You were separated from the guys and teresa and put in a separate van. You looked back and saw Thomas
THOMAS-"don't tell them!"
you nodded and they pushed you into the van.
Y/N-"why can't i be with them?"
?-"we just need to ask you some questions, you'll be back with them at the building. I promise."
Y/N-"what do you want to know?"
?-"what are you doing with your eyes?"
Y/N-"i don't know what you're talking about. Nothing is wrong with my eyes..."
?-"we saw on the beetle blade"
Y/N-"so you're the game makers...well nothing is going on with my eyes. i can't control anything"
?-"i find that hard to believe"
Y/N/"I'm serious i don't know anything, they just change, maybe it's a sunlight thing" he laughed
?-"we'll just run some test then"
you looked down at your feet
NEWT-"why did they take y/n in there?"
THOMAS-"its her eyes"
MINHO "she can...control the grievers i guess"
THOMAS-"that's what she meant about Alby. i guess they know now"
?-"she'll be back soon. but now i know the truth"
NEWT-"where did you some from?"
?-"the front. my colleague informed me she said she didn't know anything... now we know she's lying"
CHUCK-"she's has a bad memory"
FRYPAN-"yea it's horrible. she's also not very smart"
Teresa laughed they were trying to cover for you
?-"ive watched her in the glade. i know that's not true"
he left the back of the bus. You sat in the van and didnt say a word. the guard got a text and smiled at you
?-"you can control them..." you swallowed
?-"so thats what she meant..."
he stopped talking and turned to the front.

Her eyes - maze runner / newt and Thomas Where stories live. Discover now