Chapter 23

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you heard more people come in
MINHO-"we're going to count off to make sure everyone is here. 1" "2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... we were missing one person. it was thomas.
Y/N-"what time is it?!"
you pushed past them and got to the door
THOMAS-"I'm here!"
you hugged him and then punched him in the arm.
Y/N-"you scared me!"
THOMAS-"I'm sorry! i had to grab chuck's drawing"
CHUCK-"wait i forgot it?"
THOMAS-"yea but don't worry i got it"
he handed him the picture and Chuck hugged him. You couldn't see anything but you knew you were next to Thomas
MINHO-"okay be careful and follow my voice"
he started walking down the hallway and you all followed. Your hand brushed against thomas' by accident and he pulled his away. You giggled and he put it back down. you all stayed quiet until you heard a glader scream. you ran up and kneeled next to him. you reached down and touched a ball with a warm liquid over it. You quickly moved back and Newt came next to you. you reached around and felt the body... but his head was missing.
Y/N-"oh my god!"
you stood up and backed away from his body
Y/N-"it's blood! his head! it's gone!"
You started rubbing and scraping your hands to try and get the blood off
NEWT-"we have to go... I now!"
you all ran down the hall and heard a few more gladers fall and scream. you wanted to stop and help them but it was too late. you guys stopped running after two hours and there was still no sign of a way out. you kept walking and now you had moved next to chuck. he held your hand while you walked because he was scared of getting hurt and you were scared he would get hurt too. Newt and Teresa were talking so loud that it was getting annoying, you moved up next to Minho and led the way for a while. You were walking when you tripped on a step and fell forward
FRYPAN-"you okay?"
you slowly stood up
Y/N-"there are stairs"
TERESA-"kinda got that"
Y/N-"teresa... how about you lead?"
TERESA-"I'm quite happy here with newt actually"
minho made a gagging noise and thomas laughed
Y/N-"then shut the f*ck up"
you kept walking until you felt a door that led up. You started to open it and a bright light shined through. you let go off it and it slammed shut
THOMAS-"we should probably open it little by little so our eyes can adjust" MINHO-"good idea"
you shoved an extra sweatshirt in the doorway so only a little light got through. You all waited there slowly opening it more and more every hour. You stood up after a while and opened the door. you walked out and looked around, you were in the middle of a desert. you covered your face with your hands and took a deep breath. the gladers followed you into the desert and you made a plan.
TERESA-"He gave me this note and said not to open it until we were here." MINHO-"give it to me"he grabbed it and it said that you had 2 weeks to travel 100 miles north to the safe haven.
Y/N-"we should probably move then."
you started walking
MINHO-"how to you know what's north?"
Y/N-"sun sets in the west. so this is north"
you pointed toward a huge mountain and city
NEWT-"she's right"
you kept walking. Thomas was next to you the whole time an Teresa was with Newt. TERESA-"oh my gosh!"
you turned around and she kissed newt. You were so mad but also sad. you loved newt... and he was kissing another girl, you turned around and kept walking with thomas. THOMAS-"are you okay?"
Y/N-"I'm fine. besides newt already said he wanted space."
THOMAS-"you deserve better"
you put his arm around you I and you smiled.
NEWT-"what was that?"
TERESA-"don't act like you don't like me"
NEWT-"but y/n..."
TERESA-"look at her, she's moved on"
NEWT-"maybe but-"
TERESA-"arent i better anyway?"
she smiled at him and he just looked down You all stayed silent and walked until it was around 2 am. Minho still had his runner watch and you all decided to sleep before morning so you'd have energy. You laid with Chuck and told him a story so he could sleep. Everyone had a hard time sleeping and as you watched Chuck fall asleep you felt sad. so many people died and you didnt know what happened to the people that stayed in the glade. Would they ever get out? You woke up in the morning and put your hair in a messy bun.
THOMAS-"whats that?"
you had a mark on your neck
Y/N-"what? wait you have one too. we all do."
NEWT-"minho's says A7 THE LEADER"
everyone looked at you
Y/N-"not surprised with my luck"
Y/N-"guys its fine."
they looked at each other concerned

Her eyes - maze runner / newt and Thomas Where stories live. Discover now