Chapter 28

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He put his forearm on your throat so you couldn't get up. he pushed it down and you couldn't breathe. you grabbed his arm and tried to get him off of you, you kicked him and quickly got up and ran. you ran up some stairs into another abandoned building. you kept going up and he was close behind you. you got to the roof and there was a pretty big gap to the next roof. You looked back and he was almost to you so just ran and jumped...
CHUCK "look she's up there!"
he pointed to the building and they saw you and the man.
NEWT-"we have to go back!"
MINHO-"oh god..."
they saw you run and jump
You rolled and landed on your side. you slid across the concrete and it hurt but you were away from the man, you got up slowly and limped over to more stairs. You started going back down into the other building and saw people there. You put up your hood and someone noticed you limping. A woman walked over smiling and grabbed your arm.
WOMAN-"aw someone got hurt? what's your name little girl?"
Y/N-"i'm not a little girl"
She smiled and pulled your hood down. she looked into your eyes but they didn't change. a teen boy your age walked over and got the woman off of you. You looked at him and he had a mark on his neck
Y/N-"group b...
you started walking fast back to the stairs and he chased after you
Y/N-"I'm sorry, i have to go"
You stopped running
Y/N-"how do you know who i am..."
?-"Im not group b... I'm in group c. but i know what they are planning"
Y/N-"there are more groups? who are you?"
?-"my name is Louis. they are going to ambush your group. just be on the lookout okay?"
Y/N-"where is the rest of your group?"
LOUIS-"we got separated... i'm waiting and making a plan
You walked closer to him and he hid his mark
Y/N-"what does it say"
LOUIS-"it's not important"
all of a sudden Minho came running in and grabbed you.
MINHO "did he hurt you?"
Y/N-"no i'm fine he's not with group b
MINHO-"we're leaving... now"
Y/N-"minho he's alone. we should let him come"
MINHO-"we can't trust him"
LOUIS-"don't worry y/n... i'll be fine, i'll see you again"
he walked off and you and minho ran.
MINHO-"why are you limping?"
Y/N-"I just landed hard on the pavement. I'm fine it's just sore"
you kept walking and met up with everyone.
Y/N-"listen louis said that group b was going to ambush us. like come out of nowhere" NEWT-"who's louis?"
Y/N-"he was in that building, he said he's a part of group c"
JORGE-"let's keep moving"
you started walking throughout the city and Thomas came over
THOMAS-"y/n i'm sorry. i didn't mean to-"
Y/N-"it's okay... I'm glad you're happy, and i have newt."
THOMAS-"are you sure we're okay?"
Y/N-"of course"
you hugged him and kept walking. You made it out of the city and into the desert again. You saw miles and miles of just sand and rocks.
CHUCK "you know... i miss the glade"
NEWT-"don't we all"
everyone walked until 11pm. you all sat down and leaned your back against a giant rock. you all shared some food and told stories of memories. you didn't have any to tell so you just listened. Newt came over and sat next to you. you leaned your head on his shoulder and he kissed the top of your head. You fell asleep in his arms but woke up to the sound of people talking, you opened your eyes and saw a girl standing right in front of you.she put her finger over her mouth telling you to stay quiet. all of a sudden someone else threw a bag over your head and you couldn't see anything. You screamed and the gladers woke up
?-"i knew she wouldn't stay quiet"
they pointed their bow and arrows at the gladers and a different girl talked while the first one dragged you to your feet.
?-"if any of you try anything i'll shoot you. if you follow us i'll shoot you. do anything beside a sit here and i'll shoot you. understand?"
NEWT-"what are you doing?"
?-"what we were told to do..."
they dragged you off and you couldn't see anything. eventually they took the bag off of your head and tied you to a tree. you'd been walking for a long time and you had no idea where you were.
Y/N-"just kill me already. group b right?"
?-"im Sonya. That's Harriet"
you recognized harriet, she was the one from the small house that burned down. she saw a scar on you arm from the fire.
HARRIET-"listen no hard feeling but we have to do this. It's what W.C.K.D wants."
Y/N-"don't you understand? W.C.K.D is bad. they're using us as experiments. we are only here for them to run tests, they make us kill each other for research."

Her eyes - maze runner / newt and Thomas Where stories live. Discover now