Chapter 25

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you all started walking and you couldn't stop thinking about alby. you walked next to Minho
Y/N-"i miss him"
MINHO-"we all do"
Y/N-"why'd he do it?"
MINHO "to protect us. he said from the beginning it was never about getting out himself."
Your vision got blurry and your eyes filled with tears. one fell down you cheek but you wiped it away. Minho noticed but didn't say anything. You walked for hours until your feet were numb again. You all laid down around 1am to get some more sleep. CHUCK-"what's that?"
he pointed to a small shack to the right.
GALLY-"i don't know but i don't like it"
you could see the outline of a person
they dragged on the sin her snake and their voice hissed throughout the desert.
you looked at her and stood up
TERESA-"we aren't seriously going?"
Y/N-"they told us to"
THOMAS-"what if it's group b"
your heart dropped when he said their name
Y/N-"i guess we'll find out"
NEWT-"you guys aren't going
you started walking and Teresa stayed sitting down.
TERESA-"y/n it could be dangerous. i don't think we should"
Y/N-"I'll go first. I'll call you if you should come."
Thomas stood up
THOMAS "you aren't going alone"
Y/N-"i have to. i'll be fine."
You started walking and as you got closer you saw the person walk into the building
Y/N-"minho was right... i am the stupid one"
you knocked on the door and it swung open. a girl stood there.
?-"where is teresa?"
Y/N-"with the guys..."
?-"why isn't she here?!"
Y/N-"she needed to do something
they held a knife up to your neck and walked out of the building with you.
she stood up but hesitated.
MINHO-"I'm going with you"
TERESA-"it's okay... i can go"
she started walking and the person let go of you
Y/N-"what the hell!"
?-"just wait. i'll explain"
Teresa came and the person started talking again.
?-"what do your marks say?"
you both showed her and she grabbed you.
?-"i need you to trust me. okay, you'll know what that means when the time comes."
Y/N-"wait what-"
she threw a lantern on the ground and the small shack burst into flames, you grabbed teresa and pushed her out the door. a wooden beam fell trapping you inside. you coughed and tried to get out. Teresa screamed for the guys and they ran over MINHO-"what do we do?"
you were coughing and couldn't breathe you tried to pushed out the wood and you were getting burns everywhere. Thomas wrapped a shirt around his hands and shattered a window. You couldn't see and got lower to the floor to help. Thomas crawled in and grabbed you, you were having a difficult time staying awake. He brought you to the window and minho grabbed you. You were about to pass out when you saw the building collapse
Everything went black, you woke up to water being dumped on your face. you gasped for air and looked around. everyone was looking down at you.
Y/N-"where is thomas?"
you sat up and looked around. You started coughing again.
MINHO-"you're okay. thomas is going to be fine"
Y/N-"where is he?"
Chuck pointed to him laying in the sand a few feet away. you tried to stand up and walk over to him but Newt told you to stay sitting until you were better
Y/N-"where's teresa? is she okay?"
TERESA-"I'm fine... thank you y/n"
Y/N-"of course"
ever since minho told you what alby said, you made that your new goal. you were going to get them to the safe haven. You laid down and fell asleep again. you woke up and it was night again. Everyone was asleep and you went over to thomas. he was still awake.

Her eyes - maze runner / newt and Thomas Where stories live. Discover now