Chapter 27

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You messed up his hair and walked out of the building. he followed you and it was still raining but there was no thunder. You didn't know he was there, he ran up behind you and grabbed you. you laughed and he twirled in a circle. he put you down and all of a sudden you heard a huge bang. You ran around the corner and saw a door opening. Newt pushed you behind a wall and hid you from the people. you looked around the corner and saw Thomas and Brenda walk out. Before you could get to him he pulled her into a kiss. you stopped running and looked at them. He stopped kissing her and saw you standing there
You turned around and walked towards newt. your kiss with Thomas apparently meant nothing to him. Newt looked at Thomas mad and walked off with you. You walked back to the building and everyone was sitting there.
CHUCK "why would you go in the rain?"
Y/N-"found Thomas and brenda"
you walked up the stairs and Newt looked back to make sure thomas wasn't there yet. NEWT-"thomas and brenda kinda kissed in front of her."
TERESA-"oh my gosh is she okay?"
MINHO-"god. why do you all keep hurting her?! first you and teresa and now Thomas and Brenda. She's been through so much and you all keep putting her through more shit"
he followed you up the stairs and Thomas came running in.
THOMAS-"where is she?"
GALLY "like we're going to tell you"
THOMAS-"i didn't mean to hurt her"
CHUCK-"well you did..."
You were sitting on the edge of the roof when Minho came over. You were soaking wet and the rain was running down your face. He sat next to you and you didn't say anything
MINHO-"y/n i'm sorry"
Y/N-"you know... i don't have any memories. you guys are all i know. I feel like no matter how hard i try... nothing EVER goes my Way. I'm tired of fighting Minho... for once in my life i want to be fought for."
Your voice was shaky and you stopped talking. he knew you were about to cry. he pulled you into a hug. Newt walked up the stairs and saw you guys. Minho let go of you and let you talk to Newt. Newt didn't leave the doorway until Minho was gone.He walked over and kissed you. You hesitated but kissed him back. You hesitated but kissed him back. You didn't stop until you both needed to catch your breath. he was holding your face in his hands and you smiled at him. your eyes changed to a silver and Newt squinted
NEWT-"they're silver..."
Y/N-"they've never been silver..."
NEWT-"it's fine... you're beautiful no matter what."
he kissed your forehead and you started walking back inside. You slipped on something and he fell on top of you. You giggled and he smiled. he kissed you again and then helped you up. You walked downstairs and your eyes went back to normal. Thomas was sitting next to brenda and teresa looked at you, she stood up and walked over to you with a change of clothes.
TERESA-"can we talk?"
Y/N-"yea... sure"
you walked away and you changed into your new sweatshirt and leggings. you had to leave your boots off to dry.
TERESA-"y/n i'm so sorry. i treated you horribly."
Y/N-"listen it's okay. i was pretty petty myself"
you laughed and hugged each other. you were brushing your hair with your fingers and walked out to the gladers. You sat on the ground and Chuck sat next to you. he made a wood charm and put it on a necklace for you. it was a crescent moon.
CHUCK-"gally helped me make it"
Y/N-"it's amazing. Thank you guys so much"
CHUCK-"i made it a moon because no matter what, we're all looking at the same moon, so even when we're separated... we know we are connected in a way."
You hugged him and then hugged gally, he helped put it on you and you twirled it between your fingers. you all went to sleep so you were prepared to walk all day tomorrow. You woke up early and started walking. you had to wear your hood up incase anything happened with your eyes. they knew you were in danger if anyone saw them change. Newt walked closely to you left and Minho on your right. you got scared because a man started walking towards you but eventually he stopped, or at least you thought.After about 10 more minutes someone grabbed your shoulder and turned you around. your eyes changed for a split second and then you controlled it.
MAN-"it's her!"
you all ran but he was right behind you.
Y/N-"we have to split up! i'll go this way you guys go that way, meet at that building." you ran away and the gladers ran the other way... but he followed you not them. You were running when he grabbed you. you tripped and fell and you rolled on top of you. he smiled and you panicked.
Y/N-"who are you? i promise i don't know what it means!"
MAN-"you're valuable. that's all i know."
he pinned you down and your eyes changed knew that meant you were in danger

Her eyes - maze runner / newt and Thomas Where stories live. Discover now