Chapter 22

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You looked out the back of the van and saw the bus following behind you. You hoped that you would get put back with them, they were your family and you couldn't live without them. The van drove for about an hour and then it pulled up to a building, the man took you out of the van and walked you into the building. The gladers watched from the bus. They let you shower and get dressed in new clothes. The gladers were brought inside to do the same. You were all put in a room full of doctors and they ran different tests on each of you. You couldn't see them because you had a curtain around your area. Thomas tried multiple times to see you but they wouldn't let him. They took some blood samples and took pictures of your eyes. They hooked you up to a machine simulation and you saw a griever. Your eyes changed and the doctor took more pictures and wrote down notes.
W.C.K.D ?-"we have to change the end of the scorch trials, she can control the grievers" GUARD-"we'll make some changes and it'll all be fine."
?-"i knew something was up after that explosion"
GUARD-"it's all going to be fine."
everyone was thrown into a room with a bathroom and bunk beds. They sat on the beds and waited. you were brought in a few hours later and everyone ran to you. Thomas hugged you and Newt looked at you
NEWT-"what happened?"
Y/N-"nothing, they just ran tests"
MINHO-"tell us the truth"
Y/N-"i am! I swear!"
you sat down on a bed and everyone else sat down. No one really said anything and you fell asleep. You woke up to Minho shaking you.
MINHO-"get up"
MINHO "do you have any food on you?"
Y/N-"yea hold on let me grab it- no i don't have food!"
the guys groaned and flopped back down on their beds!
Y/N-"you woke me up for that?"
THOMAS-"come one just stay up, we're all talking and you're asleep"
you sat up and noticed Teresa and Newt were sitting together. You stood up and walked into the big room attached to it. You screamed when you saw a man sitting there. Thomas was the first one next to you. He gasped when he saw the man
THOMAS "what the hell!"
The other gladers came in, there was a huge pile of food that you all ran to.
Y/N-"who are you?"
the man didn't answer. Minho went over to him
Y/N-"minho watch there's a-"
he ran into it
Y/N-"a wall... there's a wall"
he looked at you and you couldn't help but laugh a little. You were eating an apple and drinking water.
NEWT-"i don't think he's going to answer us"
CHUCK-"we have a genius on our hands"
Y/N-"Chuck when did you get such an attitude"
you laughed and he looked at you
CHUCK-"i learned from the best"
he winked at you and
all the gladers said ohhhhh"
You pulled him into a hug and kissed the top of his head.
Y/N-"watch it"
he laughed and you messed up his hair
CHUCK "what did i say!"
you winked back at him and he ran into the bathroom. You all headed to bed but you couldn't sleep. You were facing the wall and could hear minho and thomas talking. THOMAS-"i don't know what to do. i can't just tell her"
MINHO-"dude you like her a lot... just say it"
THOMAS-"but what if y/n doesn't like me back?"
MINHO:"maybe just..try and see how she feels. you know? like get close and I see if she pulls away"
you pretended to still be asleep. Thomas had feelings for you...did you have feelings too? You woke up in the morning and the same man was there
MINHO-"ayo rat man"
Chuck laughed and you gave him the mom look. Newt noticed and laughed
. Y/N-"don't be mean Minho"
MINHO-"he's mean!"
he started punching the clear barrier/wall, blood was splattering over it. You jumped up and grabbed him
Y/N-"stop you're hurting yourself!"
you pulled him away from the wall and he looked at you with pain in his eyes. The gladers had stood up and were watching. you hugged him and the rat man turned off the barrier. He grabbed you and pulled you close to his face
MAN-"you must be the smart one, huh?"
Thomas walked over and pushed the man. You grabbed him and stood between them. MAN-"trial 2 starts at 7am. you will have 5 minutes to enter the room. if not... we'll kill you"
he left and you looked at thomas
Y/N-"well sh!t"
You guys packed food and water into backpacks and got extra clothes. You could barley sleep and woke up at 6:30. Minho was going to first then you. Thomas would be the last one. You got ready and right at 7 Minho went.
CHUCK-"you ready?"
you walked through the door and into a pitch black hallway.
MINHO-"right here"
you grabbed onto him arm and waited for the other gladers

Her eyes - maze runner / newt and Thomas Where stories live. Discover now