Chapter 33

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You heard Louis curse under his breath. you looked at the gladers and your mouth fell open a little.
JANSON-"i know this is hard for some of you to hear but there is nothing we can do for you at the moment."
he left the room and you looked at Louis. his eyes were glassy and he looked back at you.
LOUIS-"can't catch a break can you?"
Y/N-"we're gonna do this together, okay?"
he faked a smiled and ran his hand through his hair. Newt walked over to you and hugged you. you felt numb. you didn't feel mad or sad... just empty. A guard came over and broke you guys up. you reached for the others to hug them but a guard pulled you away.
Y/N-"wait i get to say goodbye"
The gladers fought to get to you but it didn't work. You were brought to a room. All of group c stayed quiet and it kinda made you mad. your eyes turned red and Jack nudged Noah.
NOAH-"y/n you okay?"
you looked up at him
Y/N-"i mean not really i just found out i'm going to die"
Louis looked at you and you bit your lip
Louis cracked a smile and you put your head back. you stood up and walked over to the door.
JACK-"it's locked"
you turned the knob and it opened. Louis stood up and ran up behind you. he put his hands on your shoulders.
Y/N-"follow me"
SAWYER-"what do we do?"
LOUIS-"cover for us"
You guys ran out the room and saw 2 rooms labeled a and b. you tried to open a but it was locked.
Y/N-"okay we'll go somewhere else"
LOUIS-"how do you know this place so well?"
Y/N-"i was brought here when i was shot"
LOUIS-"That makes sense"
you started walking down another hallway. you were about to turn a corner when you heard someone coming. you pushed Louis into a small closet and you were face to face. there was barely any room so you were touching.
LOUIS-"this feel wrong since you have a boyfriend"
he smiled and you giggled
Y/N-"shut up shank"
you kept smiling but he covered your mouth when the worker walked past. it had been quiet for a while so he took his hand off your mouth.
Y/N-"okay what's our plan?"
He looked up and saw a vent in the ceiling.
LOUIS-"I'll go first and make sure it'll hold us"
Y/N-"okay be careful"
he climbed up and then when he knew it was safe helped pull you up. He crawled around until he found group a's room. they had been writing something down on a bunch of papers.
they threw the papers under the bed and looked up.
Y/N-"I'm with louis too"
he waved down at them
LOUIS-"hey guys"
NEWT-"what are you bloody doing?"
Y/N-"you know looking for a way out, a cure would be nice too"
Louis and you smiled because you wanted to joke about it but the gladers frowned. Janson burst into their room
JANSON-"have you seen y/n or louis?!"
GALLY-"no we've been locked in here, remember?"
FRYPAN-"they got out?"
JANSON-"obviously. i swear if they find that cure..."
The last sentence was under his breath but they heard it
NEWT-"there's a cure? you can save them?"
JANSON-"there is only 1 and we aren't sure if it works. we need to do more research"
he slammed the door and left in a hurry.
LOUIS-"we should probably go back to our room"
Y/N-"okay, tell me the plan later." you guys went back to your room and you opened the vent. it swung open and the members jumped.
NOAH-"janson is looking for you."
LOUIS-"what happened to covering?!"
SAWYER-"it's hard to cover when it's a small room and 2 people are clearly missing"
Y/N-"if he comes back i'll cover it"
Y/N-"there's this doctor that helped me before. he's the only one i trust and i'll just say he needed to run tests on us"
LOUIS-"works for me."
Janson came in later and saw you guys sitting there.
JANSON-"where the hell were you?!"
Y/N-"getting blood work done"
LOUIS-"they had to run tests since we're not immune."
He gave you a look and walked out. he made sure to lock it this time.
NOAH-"so what did you find out?"
You and Louis smiled at each other
Y/N-"they have a cure"
LOUIS-"only one though. they dont even know if it works."
Y/N-"but it's something. also the gladers are coming up with a plan"
JACK-"you saw them?"
Y/N-"yea the vent leads to their room too"
LOUIS-"we're going back out tonight to look for the cure"
SAWYER-"are you sure that's a good idea"
Y/N-"we are going to die if we don't. you guys don't understand... we have absolutely nothing to lose"
LOUIS-"we get it, you guys do. but we need to find this cure."
Some of the guy's eyes were puffy like they had been crying.
NOAH-"just be careful, okay?"

Her eyes - maze runner / newt and Thomas Where stories live. Discover now