Chapter 8

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MINHO-"Give her cpr of
Thomas started giving you
Cpr and nothing was happening. Newt put his head down and shook it side to side. NEWT-"god it's not going to work"
THOMAS-"we have to try!"
CHUCK-"save her!"
NEWT-"were trying Chuck!"
CHUCK-"give her mouth to mouth!"
Thomas looked at Newt and Newt leaned over you.
He started giving you mouth to mouth with no luck. You lips were freezing every time he touched them with his own. He stopped for a a second and you laid there. All of a
sudden you started coughing up water and gasping for air. Newt grabbed you and helped you to your side. Alby told some gladers to run and get you a towel to keep you warm.
NEWT-"y/n you're gonna be okay"
You tried to catch your breath but you were so panicked. You started to cry and Newt pulled you into a tight hug while you guys sat on the ground. You buried your face in his shirt and started shivering from the water. He put his chin on the top of your head and just held you while you slowly calmed down. They wrapped you in a blanket and after a while you could stand up and walk back to the middle of the glade. You had a cut of your face and bruises everywhere from Ben hitting you. You saw him locked up and he looked scared.
BEN-"y/n! listen i'm sorry! i don't know what happened!"
You looked at him and then at the guys around you. You started walking over to him. Newt followed to make sure you were okay
Y/N-"lift up your shirt."
Y/N-"do it!"
he lifted it and there was a black wound. He had been stung by a griever. The guys had followed and looked at him
BEN-"i'm sorry... i thought."
ALBY-"ben you almost killed y/n! you were selfish not to tell us"
Thomas looked at you and noticed you didn't look good. He nudged newt and Newt grabbed you
NEWT-"you okay?"
Y/N-"i don't feel good" NEWT-"let's walk you back to your hammock" you were halfway there when you dropped to your
THOMAS-"y/n are you okay?"
you started coughing up blood
THOMAS "minho! Alby!"
Gally grabbed chuck to keep him back knowing it would make him upset. The gladers watched from a distance. Alby grabbed you and carried you to the Medjacks. You felt so horrible, Alby and Newt pushed everyone else out the room besides Minho and Thomas. They all watched as you had tears running down your face ALBY-"what's wrong with her?" MEDJACK-"this"
He pulled up your sleeve revealing a huge sting wound. While fighting, Ben had stabbed you with a stinger.
MINHO-"how the hell did he get that?" MEDJACK-"the sting makes you do crazy things"
You were having a hard time breathing, the medjack stabbed you with a needle → and gave you something that they gave anyone that got stung. You cried out in pain and Newt held your hand. Alby and Minho noticed but didn't say anything. You stopped moving and your eyes slowly closed
NEWT-"how long until she's better?"
MEDJACK-"a few days. She'll be in a lot of pain though. It won't be good"
ALBY-"One of us will be in here at all times. Everyone got it?"
They all nodded
ALBY-"and chuck doesn't come in this room"
They nodded again, they looked at you one last time
ALBY-"newt you first"
NEWT-"got it"
he sat with you while you laid there asleep. He kissed your hand and held it close to his face. GLADERS
GALLY-"what's up with her?"
ALBY-"she was stung"
whispers spread throughout the glade ALBY-"where's chuck?"
GALLY-"drawing up there."
he pointed to the tower
MINHO-"no one let him in that room. don't tell him she was stung. Got it?"
they nodded and went to get dinner
ALBY-"we will go get the griever when she's awake okay?"
MINHO "yea... yea makes sense"
they all ate and then Thomas brought Newt food
THOMAS-"how's she doing?"
NEWT-"she'll start breathing really heavy all of a sudden, or she'll squeeze my hand really tight."
THOMAS-"does this happen a lot? people getting stung?"
NEWT-"no, only 5 people including her and Ben. I feel bad for her tho, she wasn't being stupid like all the others... she was attacked." Thomas looked at you and felt bad too

Her eyes - maze runner / newt and Thomas Where stories live. Discover now