Chapter 12

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You looked up at newt since you were on the ground.
Y/N-"it's very quiet"
you had whispered but Newt was louder
NEWT-"why don't you sing something"
THOMAS-"come on you always sing in the garden. you're good"
GALLY-"come on y/n let's hear it" he smiled at you and it was genuine
Y/N-"i don't know..."
You smiled and leaned back on the log again You sang the lyrics of the audio. Your voice echoed Joff the walls and the gladers listened. They all thought you had a beautiful voice.Newt watched you as you sang and Minho heard it from the tent where Alby was. GALLY-"that was really good y/n. where'd you learn it"
Y/N-"i remember my mom singing it to me. It's the only think i really remember" CHUCK-"what about the changing... didn't you remember anything"
Y/N-"no... it was weird. i feel like mine was different from everyone else's. Everyone else would scream all day and I didn't have that feeling"
Alby screamed and you looked at the ground
THOMAS-"maybe it's because you're a girl"
NEWT-" doubt it"
you shrugged
Y/N-"I'm glad mine was different, sounds painful"
Everyone started getting ready for bed and you went to check on Minho
Y/N-"you need anything before i go to bed?"
MINHO-"no i'm ok... i heard you singing, you're very talented y/n"
You smiled at him
Y/N-"thank you minho"
you blew him a kiss and left the room. Newt switched with Minho in the middle of the night and it was your turn in the morning You got breakfast for you and Newt and then went to the tent. You and Newt ate together and talked for a while.
NEWT-"i'm gonna go start work. Thomas will switch off with you around lunch"
Y/N-"got it"
You sat in the room all day and you were so bored. It went by so slow and Alby was constantly yelling. You plugged your ears and pulled your knees up to your chest. You put your head on your knees so you didn't notice when Thomas walked in
THOMAS-"y/n you can go... y/n?"
He shook you and you lifted your head. He laughed and nodded towards the door THOMAS-"get out of here" you hugged him and ran out
Y/N-"thank you so much"
you found Newt and Chuck in the garden working.
Y/N-"why are you over here chuck? usually you're with the animals"
CHUCK-"i wanted to talk to Newtie" newt gave you a look and you giggled
NEWT-"don't call me that"
Y/N-"okay newtie"
He looked at you and ran towards you. You laughed and backed up but he grabbed you and threw you over his shoulder. You were laughing so hard and so was he.
Y/N-"i'm sorry, I'm sorry"
he put you down and you all just hung out and worked in the garden. Minho got back from running the maze and you all ate together.
MINHO-"well it's my turn to babysit" he stood up and switched with Thomas THOMAS-"god y/n i thought you were overreacting..."
Y/N-"his screams are so loud... and it's hard to listen to him in pain, you know?" NEWT-"he should be better soon"
CHUCK-"can i watch him?"
You looked at Newt
NEWT-"i don't think you'll want to-"
CHUCK-"i want to help!"
Y/N-"you can go with me"
He looked at you and you I messed up his hair
he ran off to fix it
NEWT-"do you really think that's a good idea?"
Y/N-"he'll have a meltdown if not"
THOMAS-"but... i don't think he'll react to it well" you shrugged
Y/N-"the kid isn't gonna take no for an answer and we can't keep babying him. He has to learn for himself"
THOMAS-"she really acts like his sister huh?"
they laughed and Chuck came running back
Y/N-"we go from 11:00-7:30"
CHUCK-"okay and what do we do?"
Y/N-"we sit in these super cool old chairs and plug our ears"
They guys laughed and you patted him on the back. You stood up and went to your hammock to sleep until it was your turn. You woke up and took chuck to the tent At around 2 in the morning Alby started waking up but he was talking to you about something weird. He grabbed your arm and dug his nails into your wrist
Y/N-"alby you're hurting me" he squeezed your hand harder
Y/N-"chuck go get minho!" chuck ran out of the tent terrified. He woke up Minho, Newt, and Thomas and they ran in.
Y/N-"alby you're ok, you have to let go of me you're hurting me"
ALBY-"everything is going to change!"
Minho got Alby off you and Newt looked at your wrist. You had small crescent shaped cuts and your were bleeding a little
Y/N-"I'm fine"
Newt gave you a bandage and Alby slept again.
THOMAS-"what the hell just happened?"

Her eyes - maze runner / newt and Thomas Where stories live. Discover now