Chapter 17

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all made another fire. You all sat around and it was pretty quiet. you and Thomas were sitting in the sand and everyone else sat on the benches like usual. Everyone had blankets and Teresa was sitting next to Newt. You tried not to care and overreact but it did bother you a little. Thomas whispered to you
THOMAS-"you don't like her do you?"
Y/N-"is it that obvious. i thought i was hiding it pretty well."
you both laughed and Teresa looked at you. she whispered to Newt
TERESA-"see. she always talks to him and she gets mad when we talk. you deserve better."
NEWT-"i like y/n. a lot... i trust her"
TERESA-"i don't think she trusts you though"
He looked at you and thomas and thought about what Teresa said.Minho noticed and sat on the other side of you
MINHO-"teresa is talking shit about you to Newt. she's saying you don't trust him."
Y/N-"i trust him so much"
MINHO-"i know that." You looked at Teresa and she smiled at you.
THOMAS-"i think she has feeling for Newt too"
Minho gave him a look and Thomas' eyes got wide
THOMAS-"but newt likes you so there's nothing to worry about"
you smiled and shook your head at them
Y/N-"nice cover"
chuck came running over with a new picture.
CHUCK-"look!" it was him with a man and a woman.
Y/N-"that's amazing Chuck. who are these people?"
CHUCK-"that's what i think my parents look like. i hope to give it to them when we leave"
Y/N-"and you will"
you pulled him into a hug and you, Thomas, Minho, and Chuck all sat with blankets by the fire.Gally was carving something out of wood and you were watching him. you stood up and walked over
Y/N-"what is that?"
GALLY-"chuck was talking about something like this. I'm gonna surprise him with it." Y/N-"aw Gally that's so sweet" you smiled at him and walked over to your friends.
Y/N-"i'm gonna to go to bed, see you guys in the morning"
NEWT-"goodnight y/n"
you ran your hand through his hair as you walked by and went to bed. He smiled and watched as you walked to your hammock. Minho nudged Thomas and they both looked at Newt and laughed a little. Everyone went to bed a little after that. Teresa's hammock was near yours. she woke you up in the middle of the night.
Y/N-"oh my gosh you Scared me. what?"
TERESA-"i keep hearing something in the shed"
Y/N-"okay what do you want me to do?"
TERESA-"come look with me?"
Y/N-"oh my lord,fine"
you lit a torch and walked to the shed with Teresa. You opened the door and all you saw were shovels, a ladder, and runner equipment.
Y/N-"see nothing is here, can we go back to bed now?"
You turned around and Teresa was shutting the shed door. You tried to run out before it closed but she slammed it in your face and locked it.
Y/N-"you bitch!"
She walked off smiling and went back to bed. You looked around the shed but you would have to just wait there until someone found you. You grabbed a watch that is meant for runners and saw it was 4am. you sat on the floor and waited. In the morning all of your friends ate breakfast together.
NEWT-"where's y/n? she wasn't in her hammock."
TERESA-"i haven't seen her"
MINHO-"I'll be right back. i broke my watch yesterday and i need a new one from the shed"
he stood up
TERESA-"no need! i can try and fix it!"
she was panicking
MINHO-"I'll just get a new one"
he gave her a weird look and walked off. A medjack I stopped him &
MEDJACK-"have you seen y/n? i have to change her A bandages."
MINHO-"no i haven't, sorry"
he kept walking and unlocked the shed door. He saw you sitting on the floor MINHO-"what the hell are you doing?!"
Y/N-"that bitch locked me in here! i'm going to kill her!"
you started running towards the table but minho grabbed you.
MINHO-"come with me."
he grabbed a watch and took you to the medical tent. Your friends saw you and Teresa turned to you. You stuck up your middle finger at her and Chuck laughed. THOMAS-"oh god"
the medjack redid your bandage and you told minho what happened. You both stormed out of the tent and over to Teresa.
MINHO-"what the hell greenie"
Y/N-"you're crazy! what is wrong with you!"
you both kept yelling at her and everyone was watching.
TERESA-"what are you talking about!?"
Y/N-"don't play dumb! you locked me in the shed!"
NEWT-"did you seriously do that Teresa?"
TERESA-"shes lying! i wont never"
you rolled your eyes and laughed
Y/N-"go ahead teresa! Play the f*cking victim!

Her eyes - maze runner / newt and Thomas Where stories live. Discover now