Chapter 18

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TERESA-"I'm not!"
MINHO-"she couldn't have locked herself in there. it was locked from the outside." THOMAS "teresa why would you do that?"
TERESA-"i didn't do it. why I don't any of you believe me! maybe it was Thomas. They probably snuck off together"
Newt looked at Thomas
Y/N-"I went to bed you-"
you went towards her but Alby grabbed you.
THOMAS-"newt i swear we went to bed"
newt didn't say anything and looked at you
Y/N-"ask chuck! i was asleep!"
Chuck nodded but Newt just looked down. Teresa gave you a dirty look and then smiled MINHO-"newt you don't seriously believe teresa"
NEWT-"i don't know what to believe!"
he stormed off
Y/N-"why is he mad? i was the one locked in a shed!"
chuck laughed and you made a face at him but smiled after. Then you looked at Teresa. Y/N-"look i know you're obsessed with Newt. And i know you hate me but trust me the feelings mutual. Just stay out of my f*cking way"
you walked away and into the garden to work. Newt was there and you tried to talk to him.
Y/N-"newt please believe me."
NEWT-"y/n teresa was right. you got mad at me for talking to her but all you do is talk to guys!"
Y/N-"because... i was the only girl here for a year and the only other girl here is a bitch..."
Newt rolled his eyes and walked off
Y/N-"well then tell me what you want me to do to fix things"
NEWT-"i don't think you can. i think we need our space"
you were shocked by what he said and hurt
Y/N-"if that's how you feel..."
you walked off and found thomas
Y/N-"he said we need space so i guess we are nothing now"
your eyes were filling with tears and he hugged you
THOMAS-"I'm so sorry y/n..."
Y/N-"I'm going to kill teresa"
you looked and saw teresa and Newt in the garden together.
THOMAS-"we need chuck to pull one of his pranks."
you smiled and nodded. you both ran to chuck
Y/N-"chuck we need you to pull a prank on teresa"
CHUCK-"don't worry i got you"
he winked and then ran off
THOMAS-"what do you think he's going to do?"
Y/N-"i hope something bad"
he laughed and you guys went back to work in the garden. Teresa was flirting with Newt the entire time and it was getting really annoying.
THOMAS-"does she ever I shut up?"
he said it loud enough and she looked over. You ducked down behind one of the plants and laughed. Thomas waved to Teresa and she flipped him off. You pulled his arm down behind the plant.
Y/N-"she hates us"
THOMAS-"oh definitely"
you both were laughing super hard. Alby walked over and grabbed both of you. Minho and the runners were back from the maze and it was time for dinner. Chuck put small fish from the lake in teresa's water glass but you and thomas didn't know. She took a sip of her water and spit it all over the table Minho screamed like a girl and threw a towel at her face. You and thomas burst out laughing and chuck smiled.
NEWT-"what just happened?"
TERESA-"there are fish in my water!"
Your eyes got wide and you looked at Thomas. you put your hand up to your mouth and looked at chuck
Y/N-"you put fish in her water..." you were whispering
CHUCK-"too far?"
you smiled at him and teresa ran off to the bathrooms to brush her teeth.
MINHO-"she spit fish water on me..."
he sounded so serious that you couldn't help but laugh again. Thomas also started laughing followed by Alby and Chuck.
NEWT-"guys come on"
ALBY-"just keep defending her newt..."
everyone went quiet and didn't talk
THOMAS-"hey shouldn't the doors be closed by now?"
ALBY-"yea 2 minutes ago..."
You stood up and walked over, you heard the 1 screams and looked at the gladers
Y/N-"they're coming"
All of the gladers ran and hid in the homestead. It was silent until a griever screamed. It came from inside the glade. It ripped a board off of the window and took a boy. you got up to grab him but it was too late. The griever left and nothing else happened that night. GALLY-"they're going to take one person every I night"
Thomas grabbed you
THOMAS-"what about your eyes?"
Y/N-"we have to figure out if you're right... tonight."

Her eyes - maze runner / newt and Thomas Where stories live. Discover now