Chapter 38

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Y/N-"okay? so we just split it"
NEWT-"it's not just about the ingredients... it's how much you guys have too."
You looked at louis.
Y/N-"well do you guys know the ingredients? or the 'recipe'? we can make another one." TERESA-"it might take a while to do"
LOUIS-"give it to y/n"
he said it confidently and you turned to look at him
Y/N-"no. we do this together... remember."
He smiled
LOUIS-"it's okay y/n. please just take it."
Y/N-"I'm not taking it. give it to louis"
THOMAS-"we can try and make a second one. but if it isn't ready when you guys start..."
Y/N-"going crazy"
THOMAS-"right... one of you will have to take it."
LOUIS-"you guys think you know how to do it?"
TERESA-"i do. I'll figure it out."
you smiled at her and they left the room. You wanted to shower but with your new stiches you weren't supposed to. Louis went to shower and you wrote a letter to Louis, Newt, Minho, Thomas, and chuck. you put them in metal capsules with a necklace string attached to it. When louis came out of the bathroom you put it around his neck. LOUIS-"what's this?"
Y/N-"i need you to promise me one thing, you will not open this until you know it's the right time."
LOUIS-"how will i know? right now could be the right time"
Y/N-"it's not. you will know. trust me"
LOUIS-"okay..." you kissed him on the cheek(in a thankful friend way)
Y/N-"i'm going to bed. goodnight"
LOUIS-"goodnight y/n"
You woke up in the middle of the night and Louis was still awake.
Y/N-"what are you doing up still? have you gotten any sleep?"
LOUIS-"no, I would tell you but you'll make fun of me"
he laughed quietly
Y/N-"louis i would never make fun of you"
LOUIS-"i'm afraid if i close my eyes... i'll never open them again"
You looked at him
Y/N-"i feel the same way"
LOUIS-"then how do you manage to fall asleep?"
Y/N-"because i realized... when i finally do close my eyes for the last time i won't have to live in this horrible world anymore"
He looked at you and you could tell he had been crying. You stood up from your bed and walked over to him, you grabbed his hands and pulled him to his feet. You turned on a radio and a song played. You pulled his over to the middle of the room and slow danced with him. You rested your head on his shoulder and he smiled. at the end you guys hugged each other
Y/N-"louis we're going to be okay"
you both moved your hospital beds so they were touching side by side. you guys laid down and went to sleep. It took a while for louis but after you held his hand he drifted off with no problems. In the morning Matt explained to both of you that you were now in stage 2 out of 5 of the flare.
MATT-"at stage 4 no cure is effective anymore"
you looked at Louis and sighed. You got new bandages and you could shower now. After you showered you and Louis waited for the gladers to come. It was around lunch time when they came in.
Y/N-"managed to not kick the vent door out this time?"
Minho smiled and climbed down.
LOUIS-"find out anything new?"
The other gladers climbed down next to Minho
TERESA-"well its a lot harder than we thought. they are also looking EVERYWHERE for the cure"
NEWT-"im surprised we havent been bloody caught yet."
Y/N-"any good news?"
THOMAS-"um well... no not really GALLY-"
did you guys learn anything?"
LOUIS-"there are 5 stages and we are now in stage 2"
Y/N-"when you get to stage 4, the cure won't work anymore. its too late"
LOUIS-"i dont know why but Janson really doesnt want us to try anything." FRYPAN-"he has to have a reason. maybe thats what we need to figure out first." NEWT-"maybe we should leave the cure with them until we need it. Theyre the ones with the flare after all."
MINHO-"thats true incase anything happens"
Teresa handed it to you and smiled. she pulled you into a hug and whispered in your ear.
TERESA-"im going to help you guys. i promise."
You hugged her tighter
Y/N-"thank you Teresa."
you hid the bottle under the bathroom sink and Louis knew where it was too. GALLY-"we'll be back around 3am if we figure anything out"
LOUIS-"we'll be here waiting"
They left and you and Louis waited. Janson came bursting in the room
JANSON-"where is it?!"
LOUIS-"where is what-"
Janson punched him in the face and you gasped.
Y/N-"louis!" he knocked him out. you kneeled next to him and held his hand
Y/N-"what is your problem! you're so angry for no reason!"
JANSON-"where. is. it."
Y/N-"i dont know what youre talking about."
he grabbed you and dragged you out of the room
Y/N-"let go! Louis needs help!"

Her eyes - maze runner / newt and Thomas Where stories live. Discover now