Chapter 24

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THOMAS-"we won't let that happen"
MINHO "maybe it's just messed up"
Y/N-"guys calm down seriously, it's fine just avoid other people."
you started walking and there was tension in the group. you walked with Chuck and Gally for a while and talked about what Gally had made him. Chuck liked it a lot and wouldn't stop looking at it. Minho, Thomas and Newt were walking together and Teresa was alone. They were all laughing but you didn't feel like turning around. you kept thinking about your mark on your neck.
TERESA-"can we take a break?"
MINHO-"i want to get over this hill first"
chuck collapsed to the ground and you ran to him. he was still awake but he was just too tired to keep going
CHUCK-"i need a break"
Y/N-"i'll go look and then come back"
GALLY."you probably shouldn't go alone..."
NEWT-"I'll go with"
teresa stood up
TERESA-"i'll go!"
THOMAS "you were the one who wanted to stop"
she gave you a dirty look and sat down. you and newt started walked and neither of you said anything for a while
NEWT-"hey feel like there's tension between us"
Y/N-"i didn't notice"
you kept walking without looking at him
NEWT-"are you mad at me?"
Y/N-"why would i be?"
NEWT-"i don't know... teresa?"
you looked down quickly and didn't say anything
NEWT-"it is teresa" you looked and you still had at least a 10 minute walk there and back.
Y/N-"i mean it's not great seeing the guy you loved kissing someone else"
he stopped walking
NEWT-"you saw that?"
NEWT-"look she kissed me"
Y/N-"newt you can kiss whoever you want, you already said you wanted space. I'm not going to hold it against you...i just said it sucks"
you kept walking and finally reached the top of the hill. There was a person standing there. You grabbed newts arm and panicked because you thought it was group b. NEWT-"it's okay just stay close to me"
you walked towards the man and he just stood there.
MINHO-"they must have seen something. they went down the hill"
THOMAS-"i have a bad feeling about this"
CHUCK-"she has newt, she should be okay"
NEWT-"hello? are you okay sir?"
he didn't say anything and you kept getting towards him. you were about two feet away when he jumped on you. You screamed and he held you down
MAN-"cranks! they're all cranks! i'm one of them...I'm a crank!"
you tried to get out from beneath the man and newt hit him over the head with a piece of wood. You stood up and he hugged you.
they heard your scream and stood up
he sprinted towards the hill but he was far away. Thomas and Gally followed him and they were there in about 8 minutes. You were getting a bruise on your face from hitting the ground. Newt was making sure you were okay.His hand was on your face and then he looked in you eyes. he was leaning in when the others came over the hill THOMAS-"what happened?!"
GALLY-"are you okay?"
Y/N-"yea... i'm okay."
NEWT-"he attacked her but i think she'll only have a bruise."
Minho hugged you
MINHO "don't do that to me"
They were all out of breath from running. Thomas and Gally hugged you and you looked at Newt, he avoided eye contact at all costs. You were a little mad because he was only being like his old self when you guys I were alone. was he embarrassed of being with you? You all walked back and Chuck asked what happened. You explained to everyone be reassured you were fine. Teresa asked if Newt was okay and you sat down. MINHO-"it's 5pm now, we'll start walking at 7.Its not as hot at night"
you all agreed and sat down. you were yawning but didn't want to sleep. every time you closed your eyes you felt like you could see your death happening. Eventually everyone was asleep besides you and Newt.You guys didn't look at each other.
NEWT-"you've moved on..."
NEWT-"you and thomas?"
Y/N-"well you've clearly moved on.and thomas and i aren't anything right now." NEWT-"right now?"
Y/N-"present time. at this moment."
NEWT-"yea i know what right now means"
you smiled and looked at him. he was smiling.
Y/N-"you and teresa seem... happy"
newt's smile faded
NEWT-"we aren't anything right now."
Y/N-"that kiss looked like more than friends"
He looked down and didn't say anything, you laid back down and tried to sleep but couldnt. Everyone got up around 6:45pm and prepared to keep walking. you thought about alby and put your hands over your face.
MINHO-"you okay y/n"
you knew your voice would shake if you said anything so you just nodded.

Her eyes - maze runner / newt and Thomas Where stories live. Discover now