Chapter 37

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You turned on the tv and it was the news. It showed victims of the flare and what happens to them as it spreads. you were shocked at how bad it gets. Louis got out of the shower and walked over to you.
LOUIS-"my only wish is i die before i get to that point"
Y/N-"if we get to that point you have to promise to kill me"
LOUIS-"only if you promise the same"
you smiled and he turned off the tv. Matt came in and tied something around the top of your arm
Y/N-"that's really tight."
MATT-"it's to hopefully stop the spread from moving up your arm."
LOUIS-"you really think it's going to work"
MATT-"...i hope so. Come on let's go"
Y/N-"we're allowed to leave?"
MATT-"yes but you can't see anyone else"
LOUIS-"why not?"
MATT-"because with the flare you guys are... well"
Matt didn't say anything. You and Louis followed him down a hall and you walked by the cafeteria. there are windows between the room and the hall so you could see everyone in there.
MATT-"don't look at them okay?"
you both looked forward and kept walking. You heard a door burst open and turned around, Chuck was running towards you while guards chased after him. He ran to you and hugged you. Everyone watched from inside the cafeteria. You hugged him tight and kissed his forehead
Y/N-"are you okay? did anyone hurt you?"
CHUCK-"I'm fine, are you okay?"
Y/N-"I'm okay chuck. listen i need you to be careful okay?"
you both were pulled away from each other and louis grabbed onto you and held you back
CHUCK-" i love you!"
Y/N-"i love you too!"
you didn't fight louis and he rested his chin on the top of your head since he is taller than you.
LOUIS-"he's gonna be fine. you have to stop worrying so much"
Y/N-"he's like my brother.i have to look out for him"
MATT-"alright let's go"
you started walking again and saw everyone in the cafeteria. Chuck was getting yelled at but he just looked at you. You smiled weakly at him and kept walking with Louis. MATT-"okay, we have to try some new medicines that we think will help cure."
janson walked into the room
JANSON-"plans changed. they won't be receiving anything"
LOUIS-"why not?"
JANSON-"because i said so"
Y/N-"because you don't want us to get better..."
you pushed you up against a class cabinet and it shattered
JANSON-"don't you dare say anything like that-"
Louis pushed him off of you and stood in front of you. You felt blood trickle down your face and you saw a hug cut up your arm.
LOUIS-"what the hell is wrong with you?!"
JANSON-"i will not tolerate disrespectful behavior"
Matt helped you and looked at your cuts. Louis wouldn't let Janson near you and walked out of the room with you and Matt. You had to walk past the cafeteria again but stopped before the windows. You had blood all over you but you would be fine. MATT-"they're all going to most likely yell and try and get your attention. it's best if you don't look at them or say anything, okay?"
you both nodded and Louis grabbed your other arm to help you walk. The gladers stood up when they saw you and pounded on the glass.
NEWT-"what did they do to her?! louis!"
Louis looked down and you kept walking.
MINHO-"what happened to helping her?!"
GUARD-"we are i don't I know what-"
Newt punched him in the face and Thomas grabbed him. Teresa gasped and stepped back towards chuck.
CHUCK-"what do you think happened?"
TERESA-"i don't know... but something bad is about to happen"
Matt stitched your arm and face. he put a bandage over them and you and Louis took more medicine. your fever and cold had worn off.
LOUIS-"you know im scared that it's gone... the fever"
LOUIS-"because... that means we're in faze 2"
You looked at him and took a deep breath. He was right.
Y/N-"im ready for it to be over-"
A vent came crahsing down from the ceiling.
MINHO-"we have it."
Y/N-"how did you get here? youre supposed to be in the cafeteria"
THOMAS-"we got sent to our rooms because newt punched a guard."
newt ran over to you and looked at your arm and face.
NEWT-"what happened? what did they do to you?"
Y/N-"janson pushed me into glass. im okay tho, what did you guys get?"
TERESA-...the cure" louis stood up
LOUIS-"are you being serious right now? because if not this isnt funny"
GALLY."its what they are calling the cure. not sure if it works though."
You stood up next to louis
Y/N-"well where are they?"
MINHO-"thats the thing..."
You were scared about what they were going to say, you could tell by how they were stalling for so long, it wasnt good news.
Y/N-"just say it already... please we can take it"
THOMAS "theres only one cure."

Her eyes - maze runner / newt and Thomas Where stories live. Discover now