Chapter 26

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Gally and frypan were walking together and you were walking with Minho and thomas. You were humming a song when you all started singing it together. you started laughing and you were all having fun. you barely noticed how far you had been walking and the city was in view. You looked up at the sky and noticed the dark clouds.
Y/N-"we need to get inside. it's about to rain"
you all started running to the building and it started to thunderstorm. You all made it to the building with no one getting hurt. You were looking around and a woman grabbed you. she stabbed you in the leg and your eyes changed to a bright purple. you screamed
?-"it's her...she's here"
She pulled the knife out and you grabbed your wound, it wasn't deep or big but it still hurt. Newt ran over to you and looked at your cut
MINHO-"who are you?!"
he was mad at her for hurting you.
?-"calm down. I'm brenda. i'm just making sure she's the one that the towns been talking about"
you were laying on the ground and Newt was holding your hand. He was holding your head up with his other hand. A man came over and tried to stitch up your cut but you pulled away:
?-"trust me. it'll help.i'm jorge by the way"
Newt nodded at you so you let him help you.
THOMAS-"what do you mean everyone is talking about her?"
BRENDA-"there have been posters everywhere about her."
JORGE-"we didn't want to hurt you but we need to see your eyes"
You looked at Thomas
Y/N-"they only changed for the grievers... why'd they change when you stabbed me?" BRENDA-"it's in dangerous situations. you distracted the grievers... you've been controlling it without knowing. You didn't see it coming when i stabbed you so they changed. that's all we know at the moment."
You stood up but held onto Newt. All of a sudden more people came down.
?-"it's her isn't it?!"
he came over and looked into your eyes. you started breathing heavier and he smiled. Newt pulled you back and stood in front of you. Thomas looked at the ground and stayed quiet.
MINHO-"we need to leave soon. we kinda have somewhere to be"
?-"you don't wanna hangout with your own kind?"
Y/N-"own kind?"
BRENDA-"we're cranks. you know? infected with the flare?"
JORGE-"it's a disease. we're all slowly going crazy. you're from W.C.K.D though..." Brenda and Jorge grabbed you all and walked into a room
BRENDA-"we'll help you but you need to bring us to the safe haven"
GALLY-"y/n are you serious?!"
Y/N-"we don't know this city, we need them"
JORGE-"she's right"
he smiled at you
Y/N-"but only you two. we aren't taking everyone."
Brenda quickly looked at you and Jorge ran his fingers through his hair. BRENDA-"everyone goes"
Y/N-"then no deal."
you went to open the door and Jorge grabbed your wrist.
JORGE "okay. just us."
you smiled and opened the door. The gladers followed you out and the group of people were gone. you all went upstairs so Brenda and Jorge could grab their stuff and you heard a loud boom. The ground shook and Newt grabbed you. he shielded your with his body from the debris falling.
BRENDA "they are trying to blow it up. they know we're leaving them."
JORGE "run"
you all ran and Brenda turned to grab something Thomas followed her. something fell blocking you from each other.
JORGE-"we have to keep going"
Y/N-"but what about them?"
JORGE-"brenda will get them out"
You all started running and made it into the street.
MINHO-"where do we go?"
JORGE-"follow me."
You guys stayed in an abandoned building that night and none of you could W stop worrying about Thomas and Brenda. Chuck and Gally were talking and Gally was teaching him how to make things out of wood. No one else was talking and you walked over to a window, you saw a sign across the street of a purple eyes drawing, the words SHES THE ONE were written under it. Newt walked over and saw it too
Y/N-"i just want to know what it means. why me?"
NEWT-"I'm not sure. you have to stop stressing yourself out over it"
you smiled at him and he hugged you. Teresa had been talking to another glader names isaiah. He was tall and had blonde curly hair. you talked to him before but you weren't close with him. Newt noticed you looked at them and smiled
NEWT-"we aren't a thing. i guess she likes someone else"
Y/N-"oh... i'm sorry newt"
NEWT-"don't be. never liked her anyway, there's this other girl i'm crazy about."
he smiled
Y/N-"oh yea? what's she like"
you giggled
NEWT-"her eyes are beautiful and she has the cutest laugh. she cares about everyone"

Her eyes - maze runner / newt and Thomas Where stories live. Discover now