Chapter 15

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You heard a griever scream and thomas let go of you.
THOMAS-"i need you to keep going y/n"
Y/N-"thomas i-"
THOMAS-"do it for me, and chuck and Minho and Alby. Do it for Newt"
you nodded but you knew you were going to do whatever it took to get Thomas out... not yourself.
THOMAS-"what did you do, last time?"
Y/N-"i hid in the vines and then i ran. We also tricked some to fall off a cliff" THOMAS-"bring me to the cliff"
you started running but the griever screams were getting louder
Y/N-"thomas we're running towards them"
THOMAS-"keep going"
You had a bad feeling about going to the cliff but you went anyway. You saw a griever down one of the paths and you pushed Thomas to the wall behind the both stayed quiet and the griever went right past you and to the left.
Y/N-"it's only like an hour from here if we keep running."
THOMAS-"okay lead the way"
Newt pushed him back
NEWT-"what are you talking about?!"
MINHO-"y/n went in the maze and thomas followed her!"
Newts eyes got wide and stopped fighting Minho
NEWT-"she went in the maze?"
MINHO-"yea because of you"
NEWT-"i didn't mean to hurt her!"
?GIRL-"stop yelling at each other!"
MINHO-"why don't you shut up greenie"
she gave Minho a dirty look. Minho stormed out and went to the window hoping to see you guys there but you were gone.
Y/N-"we're getting close"
you had passed a couple grievers but none had noticed you which was strange THOMAS-"how are you guys the only ones that survived this? they are blind"
Y/N-"this didn't happen last time. They found me when i was high up. Something is going on"
right when you said that a griever dropped down right in front of you. Thomas grabbed you and pulled you away before it could hit you. You ran towards the cliff and the griever followed. you stopped right in front of the edge and looked at Thomas. THOMAS-"what do we do?!"
you looked at him and pushed him to the side
the griever jumped at you with its claw out. Thomas pulled you to the side but the griever managed to cut you still. You screamed and the griever went tumbling over the cliff edge. Thomas sat you up against the wall and you squeezed his hand
Y/N-"you have to go"
you were struggling to breathe. thomas lifted your shirt and saw a huge wound across your stomach
THOMAS-"y/n... it's-"
Y/N-"bad i know. go. run."
THOMAS-"I'm not leaving you"
Y/N-"you have to, please. run before more grievers come"
He looked at you
Y/N-"please. for me."
you smiled at him and he stood up
THOMAS-"i'm going to get help"
You shook you head but smiled. he ran off and you sat there in so much pain. You looked down at your cut and gasped
Y/N-"oh my god oh my god."
you hummed to yourself trying to calm down but it wasn't working.
Y/N-"it's okay y/n. it's over."
you smiled to yourself and laughed a little between cries in hopes you would feel better. GLADE
chuck sat with minho and I watched the window. Thomas all of a sudden came running and they saw the blood on his hands. his screams were quiet but I they could hear. THOMAS-"y/n! she's dying!"
MINHO-"what happened!?"
Thomas drew a line across his stomach to show what happened to you.
MINHO-"the doors open in 2 hours! where is she?"
THOMAS-"the cliff!"
MINHO-"go to her and help her! we'll go right away when the doors open!"
Thomas turned and ran back in your direction. Minho went and gathered medical supplies and a few people who would run to you when the door opened. They stood by the door and waited. Newt watched but with his limp he wouldn't run the maze. He felt horrible and guilty about everything.Thomas got to you again and you were barely holding on. you laid down on the ground and he laid your head in his lap. He was playing with your hair when a griever turned the corner and was coming towards you. Thomas was watching you and you looked directly at it. your eyes faded to a purple and the griever stopped in it's tracks. It ran and jumped into a small hole off the cliff.
Y/N-"where does that lead?"
THOMAS-"i don't know but... what did you just do?"
Y/N-"what do you mean?"
THOMAS-"your eyes..."
they changed back to your natural eye color.
Y/N-"what about them?"

Her eyes - maze runner / newt and Thomas Where stories live. Discover now