Chapter 36

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a tear fell down your face and Matt tried to hide his own, Louis had a blank expression and no one said anything. Matt took more of your blood and let you guys shower and got you both new clothes. You wore a black hoodie that said W.C.K.D and red sweatpants. they also gave you another pair of black fuzzy socks. You got a blanket and you guys were brought to a new room. There were 2 beds and a bathroom connected with 2 sinks and 2 showers.
LOUIS-"i like this one better"
Y/N-"m-me t-too"
you were shivering and Louis wrapped the blanket around you. he pulled you into a hug and you felt a little bit better. Janson walked in
JANSON-"cute couple"
LOUIS-"she's with Newt."
you liked that he was respectful towards your relationship but Louis was just so sweet you didn't know how you felt.
JANSON-"mhm anyway. there is no cure and i don't think there will be until march."
Y/N-t-that's three m-months away"
janson shrugged and left
LOUIS-"he's such a dick"
Y/N-"I've n-never hated a person so m-much in my life"
you both laughed and laid in your beds. you fell asleep right away but louis was too hot he couldn't get comfortable. It was around 12:30am when the vent fell open. it hung from one side and Minho poked his head in.
LOUIS-"minho? what are you doing mate?"
MINHO-"saving your asses"
he jumped down and noticed you were sleeping. Everyone followed and all stood around. Newt walked over and your lips were almost blue.
NEWT-"she's freezing"
LOUIS-"the flare... it really sucks
TERESA-"I can only imagine.
she sat on your bed and played with your hair, she slowly woke you up and you were scared at first but realized it was your friends. Minho handed you a pair of boots and Newt wrapped you in the blanket again. he hugged you tight and you buried your face into his chest. he kissed the top of your head and held you.
LOUIS-"so what's your plan?"
THOMAS-"we're breaking out. Jorge and Brenda are already getting the jet." LOUIS-"but the cure is here. if y/n and i don't get it..."
GALLY-"they aren't going to help you here. we can get you help somewhere-"
Y/N-"i-it's not going t-to work. If we change a-anymore we could h-hurt somebody" NEWT-"you aren't safe here"
LOUIS-"but you all aren't safe with us out there"
Frypan sighed and looked down
LOUIS-"just do what you can to find the cure. When you get it that's when we I leave" Y/N-"and n-not without c- chuck"
NEWT-"we won't leave him."
LOUIS-"how is group c?"
FRYPAN "they're taking it pretty hard. they miss you guys a lot"
Newt was still holding onto you when you started to close your eyes.
your eyes closed and he laid you back on the bed.
THOMAS-"y/n wake up!"
MINHO-"call for help!"
LOUIS-"i will but you all have to get back in the vent. now!"
They climbed up but watched from the ceiling. Louis paged a doctor and a bunch ran in. MATT-"louis what happened?"
LOUIS-"she just passed out and won't wake up"
MATT-"she's not breathing"
he gave you a shot of something and everyone backed up and just watched you. LOUIS-"well help her dammit"
Newt was panicking but Thomas made him stay quiet. all of a sudden you gasped for air and woke up. a doctor ran back over and gave you more medicine. Louis sat back down on his bed relieved and put his face in his hands. You were given water and then the doctors left. the gladers went back to their room and told brenda and jorge to forget it. LOUIS-"y/n you really scared me"
Y/N-"what even happened?"
LOUIS-"you got too cold or something, not really sure but you stopped breathing"
Y/N-"oh...i'm kinda afraid to fall asleep again. what if i stop breathing?"
LOUIS-"don't be scared. you're going to be fine."
Y/N-"you don't know that."
louis stood up and walked over to your bed, they were twin size but he laid next to you and put his arm around you. you laid your head on his chest
LOUIS-"i won't let anything happen to you y/n"
you closed your eyes and drifted off to sleep. You woke up in the morning and Louis was still asleep next to you. You decided to shower. You were in there for about 15 minutes and then changed into a navy crewneck and gray sweatpants. You went back into the main room and louis was still asleep. The doctor came in with a cup of pills and a water bottle for each of you. You each had to take 11 pills.
Y/N-"what do these do?"
?-"theyll help slow down the spread of the flare... hopefully
he left the room and Louis woke up when the door slammed.
Y/N-"here take these"
you handed him the cup and a water. He took them all pretty fast and then he got up to shower.
LOUIS-"ill be quick"
Y/N-"take your time. we have no where to be"
You took your pills

Her eyes - maze runner / newt and Thomas Where stories live. Discover now