Chapter 31

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Y/N-"drop it"
she slowly lowered her bow and you aimed it at her still.
HARRIET-"y/n... they'll kill us
NEWT-"we're not letting you kill her."
Y/N-"we can all get out and escape W.C.K.D. If we all stick-"
SONYA-"it won't work. they said you need to be dead"
LOUIS-"you're going to kill an innocent girl, think about
HARRIET-"we have..."
You had been focused on Sonya and none of the other Group B members. all of a sudden one of them pulled out a gun, you heard the loud noise and felt a burning sensation in your stomach. Newt stood up and you fell back into him. He laid you down in the sand and you squeezed his hand. Your eyes changed but Group C was more worried about you.
CHUCK-"you shot her... why would you do that?!"
The girls looked down regretting their decision. you were holding where you had been shot and your hand was covered in blood. Newt was freaking out along with the other gladers. Minho started going towards Group B with tears in his eyes. Thomas grabbed him and pulled him back.
NEWT-"I'm sorry y/n"
his voice was quiet
Y/N-"it's not your fault. I knew it was coming..."
you smiled slightly and a wave of pain flooded over you. you squeezed his hand harder and a medjack was trying to bandage you up. All of a sudden a helicopter came flying over. you covered your face with your arm as sand stirred around you. Over a speaker they started talking
SPEAKER-"everyone back away from the girl now"
Y/N-"listen... go"
newt was dragged away from you by Noah. Everyone watched even Group B from a distance. the helicopter landed and that's all you remember. you lost consciousness and woke up in a hospital bed. You're shot wound was healed but you were still in your old clothing.
DOCTOR-"it's been a few days, they're almost out. would you like to watch?"
He handed you a laptop that showed your friends.
Y/N-"why did you save me?"
DOCTOR-"I was just told we needed to"
Y/N-"so is it possible for them all to get out?"
DOCTOR "I guess so"
he smiled at you and you decided that you liked him. You watched closely hoping that none of your friends would get hurt. You saw Newt and his eyes were red and puffy.
Y/N-"do they know i'm okay?"
DOCTOR-"...well we kinda said you were dead"
DOCTOR-"i know i'm sorry, it's what i was told to do"
you slumped back in the bed and kept watching.
Y/N-"how are you getting this footage?"
DOCTOR-"beetle blades. they're just insects now. smaller and harder to see."
you looked back at the screen. it had a timer with 43:26:17. that's how much time they have lefts. a little less than two days. it also said 6.1562 miles.
Y/N-"they have plenty of time... they're going to make it!"
DOCTOR-"let's go get you showered and changed"
another doctor came in with a change of clothes. she brought you to a huge bathroom. you quickly showered and got dressed. you had on a loose cropped black knitted sweater and gray sweatpants. you didn't put on shoes and wore black fuzzy socks. you ran down the hall and all the employees looked and you and smiled. You ran back to the laptop and kept watching, no one was talking and Chuck was crying.
CHUCK-"you know... gally and i gave her that moon necklace because of seeing the same moon no matter what, but now we won't see I the same moon"
Thomas gave him a hug and Chuck kept crying. You grabbed the charm and just wanted to run to him and hug him.
Y/N-"can i go back?"
DOCTOR-"There's no point. also there's a possibility you'll die"
Y/N-"ive almost died multiple times. i think i'm prepared."
a man walked in
?-"you can see them when they get out. I'm janson"
You didn't like him already
Y/N-"what if they don't get out?"
he didn't say anything, you kept watching the screen. Group C members were all upset, not only did they lose you but now they think they can't get to the safe haven. Someone ran in.
?-"they figured it out"
Y/N-"figured what out?"
JANSON-"who's immune. i'll be back"
he left the room and you kept watching, they walked all day until they reached where the safe haven 1 should have been
MINHO-"there's nothing here..."
LOUIS-"is it because y/n is-"
he stopped talking and everyone looked around
THOMAS-"that wouldn't make sense, we would still have somewhere to go."
NEWT-"i guess we just wait it out"
everyone sat down in a circle. it was 7pm, chuck started humming your song. Teresa looked up and started singing it with him. Everyone eventually joined in. You were watching in the hospital bed when the doctor came back in.
DOCTOR-"i have your meds."
he handed you a cup with 5 pills and a water
Y/N-"thank you"
you smiled at him and he left the room. you took the pills and felt better.

Her eyes - maze runner / newt and Thomas Where stories live. Discover now