Chapter 14

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you stayed with Minho, chuck and alby the entire night. Gally was fighting some guys in the circle and a couple challenged you, you won every time. Thomas and Newt watched but said nothing to you. You rolled your eyes and kept talking to Minho. You went to bed early and everyone was still by the fire. You were humming a song to yourself when Thomas came over to your hammock
THOMAS-"y/n? can we talk?"
Y/N-"you sat up and nodded. He sat in chuck's hammock and took a deep breath. THOMAS-"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell."
Y/N-"i don't care, it's whatever"
you laid back down and looked at him
THOMAS-"seriously nothing happened. i just got this weird feeling"
Y/N-"you obviously didn't want to talk about it earlier so don't feel pressured to talk about it now"
you flipped over and faced the opposite direction. Thomas rubbed his hand through his hair and stood up
THOMAS-"goodnight y/n"
You woke up and walked with Chuck to get breakfast. Frypan usually ate breakfast in the kitchen, so you stood at the "window" and talked to him for the entire breakfast. GUYS
ALBY-"why isn't she sitting with us?"
MINHO-"i think i know"
he gave a look to Thomas and Newt
NEWT-"what did i do?!"
MINHO-"you ignored her all day to hangout with another girl"
NEWT-"she's in a coma. it's not like a kissed her"
he shot a look at Thomas
MINHO-"she kissed him on the cheek! and you guys weren't even a thing!" THOMAS-"it's my fault. i yelled at her"
ALBY-"it's both of your faults!"
he stood up and walked over to you. he grabbed your hand and pulled you toward the homestead.
ALBY-"you aren't working in the garden today, you'll work with Chuck and I"
Y/N-"you guys work together?"
ALBY-"no, but i go talk to him in the barn sometimes"
you worked with Alby sharpening knives and cutting wood. Chuck cleaned the barn and fed the animals. At lunch you sat with all of your friends but you didn't talk at all. THOMAS-"y/n i said i was sorry"
Y/N-"I'm not upset"
THOMAS-"then say something"
You looked at him and in a sarcastic tone you said
you smiled at him and kept eating
NEWT-"she's not mad at you... she's mad at me for being in the same room as another girl"
he looked at his food and I wouldn't look at you You stood up mad and laughed
Y/N-"oh my god!"
you stood up and walked over to Gally's table
GALLY-"you alright?"
you nodded and sat with them for the rest of lunch. It was nice to not have to worry about Newt.
ALBY-"wow Newt"
NEWT-"what! she's mad at me for no reason!"
CHUCK-"you ignored her and now you're making it seem like it's her fault!"
Newt stormed off and went back to work. Minho got back at night and you hung out with him. You skipped dinner and went to your hammock. You were more upset than normal. everyone had at least some memories of something especially after going through the changing... but all you knew were the lyrics to a song. You went to the watch tower and looked over the glade. You closed your eyes and you wanted to cry. all of a sudden you heard people yelling
GLADER-"she's awake!"
Newt was the first one to run to her. You couldn't hold it back and you started balling. You climbed down and quickly walked to the maze doors. Your eyes were red and your face was drenched with tears. Thomas noticed and started following you. The doors started closing and the ground shook. you kept walking toward them
you didn't look back
Minho turned and saw you. He ran towards you but you had already stepped into the maze. The doors were about to close but Thomas ran through.
he punched the door and Alby ran over
ALBY-"what just happened?"
MINHO-"they're in the maze!"
MINHO-"y/n and thomas..."
you turned around
Y/N-"why would you come!?"
he looked at you while you cried
THOMAS-"to protect you"
Y/N-"you don't get it thomas... i didn't want to go back in there..."
THOMAS-"you can't survive the maze forever"
Thomas grabbed you and pulled you into a tight hug. He kissed the top of your head and you cried. You couldnt hold it back
Y/N-"im sorry..."
THOMAS-"you have nothing to be sorry for."
newt stayed with the girl until Minho came running in. He grabbed Newt and screamed in his face
MINHO-"its all because of you!"

Her eyes - maze runner / newt and Thomas Where stories live. Discover now