Chapter 35

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It led to a cement stairway, you started running down the stairs and Louis ran in. the door slammed shut and he quickly followed you.
LOUIS-"y/n hold on
you kept going down the stairs
LOUIS-"i know how you feel!"
You stopped and turned around so you could look at him.
Y/N-"i don't want people to have to walk on eggshells around me because they think I'm going to flip out. for once i just want to be normal...i want to be safe"
LOUIS-"trust me i do too. I'm sorry y/n i know you've been through a lot but you can't just give up now. we're going to find that cure."
You sat down on the stairs and he sat next to you. You put your hair up in a bun and leaned your head on his shoulder.
Y/N-"louis...i'm not ready to die"
LOUIS-"im not either"
The gladers ran down the stairs and saw you and Louis
MINHO-"are you guys okay?"
LOUIS-"sure, you can say that"
You both stood up and newt saw your neck.
you covered it with your Hand
Y/N-"that's all it says. they don't know what's going to I happen to us i guess"
newt hugged you and the gladers looked at each other. Teresa noticed something on your arm.She grabbed you wrist and pulled up your sleeve. You had a black mark on your forearm. it looked almost like your veins but you hadn't noticed it. Gally pulled up Louis' sleeve and he had the same thing. You panicked and pulled you sleeve back down. You heard guards coming
JANSON-"let's go y/n and louis"
NEWT-"where are you taking them?"
JANSON-"somewhere to keep them safe"
Louis looked at Minho and knew you guys were not safe. Newt grabbed your arm and Janson noticed.
JANSON-"newt she's going to be fine. besides she has louis"
guards took you to a pretty empty room and threw you in. you and louis sat there patiently.
LOUIS-"do you feel-"
Y/N-"sick? yea"
you had to lay down on your back to try and help the feeling go away but it wasn't working. Louis was sweating and laid down too.You sat up and put your hand on his forehead.
Y/N-"louis you're burning up."
you stood and stumbled to a sink. you grabbed a rag and drenched it in cold water, you walked back over and put it on his forehead
LOUIS-"thank you y/n. that actually helps
You laid next to him and you felt the opposite. you were freezing and you balled up to keep yourself warm. You grabbed a blanket and quickly fell asleep. Louis and you slept for about 6 hours until someone came in. They took both of your temperatures and wrote some stuff down.
?-"it's spreading. you're in faze 1 and it will only get worse from here."
Y/N-"that's reassuring"
LOUIS-"well can you help us?"
?-"not at this time"
he left the room and went back to the cafeteria where everyone who was immune I was sitting. those that weren't immune were kept in rooms but with their group(for example you and louis because of group c)
?-"At this time... Louis and y/n are both in faze 1. Louis is experiencing a high fever and y/n is experiencing the opposite."
CHUCK-"you can't let them die... you can't just let her suffer in there!"
?-"we have no way of helping them"
MINHO-"you're lying and you know it! help them shank!"
Newt put his head down on the table and Thomas covered his face with his hands TERESA-"we're their only hope... we have to do something"
FRYPAN-"and we will, we can use the vents like they did"
GALLY "tonight."
NEWT-"we don't even know where they are though."
THOMAS-"we'll find them. i don't care if we get caught, they're dying"
MINHO-"if there is the slightest chance we can save them. we are going to" FRYPAN-"Louis saved y/n's life. we have to save his too"
TERESA-"so we leave tonight after room check"
NEWT-"sounds like a plan"
You and Louis sat in the room and you could barely move.
LOUIS-"y/n i know we only met like 2 weeks ago, but i fee like i've know you forever." Y/N-"me too louis. i'm really glad we got the flare together and i mean that in the best way."
he laughed and you both laid down. You grabbed his hands and they were so hot. LOUIS-"you're freezing"
Y/N "no you're just burning"
A doctor came in
MATT-"hello again"
LOUIS-"my man"
he laughed and then gave you a shot
Y/N-"what's that?"
MATT-"it'll help bring your temperatures to normal"
Y/N-"matt? is there a cure?"
MATT-"well... there might be soon"
LOUIS-"soon enough for us to live?"
he hesitated MATT-"possibly
you closed your eyes and shook your head
Y/N-"louis were going to die"
LOUIS-"...i know"

Her eyes - maze runner / newt and Thomas Where stories live. Discover now