Chapter 29

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SONYA-"yea? well i want to get out of here alive"
Y/N-" too"
they looked at you and for a second felt bad. it was pitch black and around 3:30am. you hadn't been sleeping and all of a sudden you heard someone cutting the rope that tied you to the tree. You were free and saw Louis and 1 other boy standing there. LOUIS-"shh come here"
You stood up and he grabbed your arm. he ran a few hundred yards with you and the other boy, you all hid behind a big group of trees.
Y/N-"thank you for umm you know"
LOUIS-"don't mention it. this is Jack."
he waved at you. Jack was a tall boy with short black hair and brown eyes. Louis was also tall but had longer curly brown hair and green eyes.
JACK-"are you okay?"
Y/N-"I'm okay, why are you guys helping me?"
LOUIS-"that's what we were told to do"
he showed you his mark that said C2 SAVIOR OF A6 Jack's said C9 LEADER OF GROUP C
Y/N-"so only one of the groups can get out?"
JACK-"yours can too... but it's cant be both b and c. you're both of our ways out"
You thought about it and looked at them
Y/N-"so what's the plan?"
LOUIS-"well basically our maze is all guys and we only have 9 left including us. they're back a few miles. we're going to meet up with them and then find Group A."
you nodded and started walking with them to meet Group C. It took until 5am but you finally saw them in the distance. You heard the boys cheering and they all stood up and ran towards the three of you. Louis and Jack hugged them and cheered. a couple boys walked over to you and hugged you as well. They were quite good looking but you were still into newt haha
?-"im Noah."
he introduced everyone else in the group.
Y/N-"it's nice to meet you guys. I'm y/n. thanks for saving me"
one of the younger boys spoke up
SAWYER-"so you got a boyfriend?"
he winked at you and some of the guys laughed.
you smiled at him and some guys made pouting faces. You all sat down and you explained what your group looked like.
Y/N-"we've just been heading to the mountain"
LOUIS-"well try and meet them before that but we should get going that way"
they all stood up and a couple guys talked to you. you explained your eyes and made sure you were looking out for Group B. You were walking when you heard someone yell behind you. You turned around and saw the gladers at the top of a hill.
CHUCK-"y/n?! is that you?!"
NOAH-"is that them?"
Y/N-"yea... that's all of them!"
you ran towards them and they ran to you
JACK-"aw how sweet"
they laughed and started walking after you. You finally got to them and hugged all of them. Newt kissed you not caring that everyone was around
NEWT-"are you okay? what did they do to you?"
Y/N-"i'm fine these guys-"
you were cut off by minho tackling louis to the ground and holding a knife up to his throat
MINHO-"i swear if you hurt her one bit!"
Group C started yelling at Minho and ran over
Y/N "Minho stop! they saved me. they aren't group B"
MINHO "what?"
Y/N-"they're a completely different group."
minho got off of Louis and helped him up.
MINHO-"sorry about that..."
LOUIS-"it's fine..."
he was kinda mad and you could tell in his voice
SAWYER-"so i assume this is the boy"
he pointed at Newt and Newt wrinkled his brow at you
NEWT-"you talked about me?"
Y/N-"not in a bad way..."
you have sawyer a look as they laughed. Newt smiled and pulled you next to him. LOUIS-"so what are your names?"
NEWT-"I'm newt-"
CHUCK-"he prefers to be called newtie"
Y/N-"yea it's kinda his thing"
he pushed the side of you face with his hand so you'd get away from him
NEWT-"it's Newt. only Newt"
Jack looked at you and laughed.Everyone introduced themselves and you all ate lunch together while making a plan. Your eyes changed to silver and Gally pointed it out. Noah basically tackled you and you were laying on your back. He was kneeling next to you and holding your shoulders down.He looked at your eyes and squinted.Louis grabbed a journal and started writing.
NEWT-"what are you bloody doing?"
he got Noah off of you and Noah explained
NOAH-"we were given 2 tasks, save y/n and figure out what the hell is up with her eyes"

Her eyes - maze runner / newt and Thomas Where stories live. Discover now