Chapter 39

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he dragged you into the hall and you saw Matt at the end of the hallway
Y/N-"matt! you have to help louis! he's hurt!"
Matt ran into the room with 2 other doctors and Janson took you into the cafeteria. Everyone was watching you and Janson
JANSON-"now whoever has the cure is going to tell me where it is or i hurt her."
No one said anything but the gladers were worried about you. Janson squeezed your arm where you had gotten stitches and you winced in pain. Newt stood up and Thomas pulled him back down.
he smiled and walked out of the room with you. You looked into the cafeteria and the gladers watched you walk away with Janson.
Y/N-"janson i swear we don't know anything!"
he kept walking and you ran into Matt.
Y/N-"matt, is louis okay?"
MATT-"he's going to be okay"
janson kept walking
Y/N-"matt please don't let him take me!"
Matt grabbed Janson's arm
MATT-"what are you going to do to her?"
JANSON-"nothing that concerns you!"
you got away from Janson and ran back into your room. you saw louis laying down on his bed
Y/N-"quick help me move this desk!"
you pushed furniture up against the door and blocked anyone from getting in. You hugged him
Y/N-"are you okay?"
LOUIS." I'm fine. are you okay?"
Y/N-"I'm fine"
The vent popped open again and you saw Thomas
THOMAS-"y/n are you okay? how'd you get back here?"
Y/N - ran"
THOMAS-"we have to get out of here. the vents won't work. they don't lead to an exit" LOUIS-"the window..."
you walked over and looked down. there was a deep pool below. Thomas grabbed a stool and hit it multiple times until it shattered. People started trying to get in LOUIS-"ready?"
you ran into the bathroom and grabbed the cure as Janson burst in. You threw it to Thomas and they jumped. A guard got in your way and you couldn't get out. JANSON-"you had it. I'm going to make your life hell!"
Y/N-"it already is Janson! look around! you did this to me!"
He went to grab you but you moved. Thomas and Louis came up from below the water THOMAS-"sh!t"
LOUIS-"how do we get her?"
You took a knife from inside the boots Minho gave you and stabbed the guard in the leg. He yelled and dropped to the floor. You ran for the window and jumped. You fell and crashed into the water. You came up gasping for air and Louis helped you out.
Y/N-"do you have it?"
THOMAS "yea... right here."
you handed thomas one of the letter addressed to him and said the same thing you told Louis. You guys ran and found the other gladers. Newt hugged you.
NEWT-"are you guys okay?"
Y/N-"fine. Minho that knife was very helpful"
he laughed and you sat down to catch your breath, Louis stumbled to the side and Gally caught him, you lifted your sleeve and the black mark had gotten worse, same for louis. Y/N-"stage 3"
LOUIS-"last stage that the cure will work"
you looked at each other and you both started coughing, you coughed up blood and felt like you couldn't walk. minho ran his hands through his hair and looked down. TERESA-"they're getting worse"
NEWT-" we have to go now"
he pointed to guards, minho and thomas helped Louis walk and Newt and Gally helped you. They helped you guys into a bus and Jorge drove off. W.C.K.D security cars chased behind you. You handed the other the capsule letters you had I wrote to them.
Y/N-"where is chuck?"
Jorge slammed on the breaks
MINHO-"go!" he kept driving
LOUIS-"you guys seriously forgot him?"
Y/N-"you promised you would bring him!"
THOMAS-"I don't know how we forgot"
you and louis were getting really sick
TERESA-"we need to get a second cure now"
MINHO-"i dont think we can. we dont have the lab anymore and we have only a couple days"
You and Louis looked at each other
NEWT-"well we are going to try"
BRENDA-"what about Chuck?"
Y/N-"we have to get him"
THOMAS-"we'll make a plan first and then get him." You handed newt chuck's letter when no one was looking.
Y/N-"i need you to give this to him and tell him what i told you"
NEWT-"okay... i promise"
you kissed him and he had tears in his eyes but tried to hide them. They all knew you and Louis were in bad conditions. They drove into an abandoned car garage and you all got out of the van. Gally and Newt helped you over and you sat against a wall. Louis sat next to you and eventually you both fell asleep.
TERESA-"do you think theyre gonna make it?"
no one said anything
MINHO-"one of them will"
NEWT-"we need to get another cure. neither of them will take it if the other cant

Her eyes - maze runner / newt and Thomas Where stories live. Discover now