Chapter 16

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THOMAS-"they just changed color"
you were still having a hard time breathing
THOMAS-"it's okay it's okay"
he kept playing with your hair and hoping the guys would get there soon. Your eyes were fighting to stay open but they were slowly closing.
THOMAS-"just a little longer y/n okay? you can do it"
Minho and his friends turned the corner and ran down to you. Minho saw the pool of blood around you and Thomas. The medjack lifted your shirt and saw the wound MEDJACK-"oh my god..."
a beetleblade came over and was watching. They cleaned it with rubbing alcohol which made you yell in pain. The medjack stitched up your cut and Thomas talked to you the entire time to keep you calm. They put a bandage around it and you felt a little better.They asked about what happened for 2 hours. Minho carried you back to the glade. When you guys walked in everyone looked at you. Chuck ran over but Alby held him back. They brought you to the medical tent and Newt walked in.
MINHO-"get her a new shirt"
Chuck left and got you a sweatshirt and shorts.
NEWT-"y/n are you okay?"
he held your hand and you looked at him
Y/N-"yea... i'm fine"
you were still a little distant. The new girl walked into the tent
ALBY-"get out"
?GIRL-"i remember my name... it's teresa"
NEWT-"that's great"
ALBY-"great now get out!"
TERESA-"why? everyone else gets to stay"
MINHO-"because they I haven't been here for 2 days. now leave."
She rolled her eyes and left the room. Chuck handed you the clothes and you went to the bathroom to shower and change. you couldn't stand for a long time or you'd feel dizzy. You left the bathrooms and Minho grabbed your arm so you wouldn't fall. He walked you over to get lunch but you didn't eat because it made you feel sick. No one really talked to you about what happened but a lot of gladers asked if you were ok. Teresa sat with you guys at lunch next to Newt and you didn't talk to her. Everyone was talking together but you only talked to Chuck.
TERESA-"y/n? right?"
you didn't look at her
TERESA-" so like... what happened to you"
Y/N-"i was cut by a griever"
you looked at her in the eyes
TERESA-"a griever?"
she laughed. you grabbed chuck's drawing and slammed it in the table in front of her. She gave you a dirty look and handed it back to Chuck.
TERESA-"I mean but i guess you did that to yourself. right? running into the maze at night"
Y/N-"why don't you talk to me when you actually know something."
you smiled and walked off. Thomas followed you and minho just shook his head MINHO-"you know what teresa? she almost was killed last night. lay off. all you do is ruin sh!t around here."
He stood up and walked off. Newt went to leave but teresa grabbed his hand TERESA-"you're seriously leaving too?"
NEWT-"i have to check on y/n"
she laughed and let go of his hand
TERESA-"newt. she's not worth it. you deserve better."
he walked off without saying anything.
THOMAS-"wait y/n"
he grabbed you to help you walk
Y/N-"what were you saying about my eyes in the maze?"
THOMAS-"oh they... they turned purple and then the griever just stopped. almost like you controlled it or something"
you giggled
THOMAS-"I'm being serious"
you looked him in the eyes and stopped laughing
Y/N-"i didn't realize that happened. i don't know..."
Newt came up and you sat with both of them
NEWT-"y/n are you okay"
you looked at him
Y/N-"i'm okay."
THOMAS-"i'll let you guys talk"
he got up and left
NEWT-"y/n i'm sorry about ignoring you. i didn't mean to hurt you"
Y/N-"it's okay newt. i know"
Newt stood up and walked over to you. you hugged him and he left to go work in the garden. You were glad to not have any problems with Newt but Teresa was still pissing you off. You sat in your hammock all day while everyone worked. you were already feeling a lot better but it would be a few days before you were back to some what normal. You ate with gally's table instead of your usual table because of teresa TERESA-"did i hurt her feelings? she has to get over herself."
CHUCK-"oh my god shut up greenie, you have to get over YOURSELF."
Minho laughed because chuck never says anything like that. Alby gave him a fist bump and Thomas laughed.

Her eyes - maze runner / newt and Thomas Where stories live. Discover now