Chapter 5

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Minho and the other runners got back and wrote down the patterns like usual. Minho met up with you guys to eat dinner. Frypan's cooking was amazing like usual. Gally was watching you again and you smiled at him. He made a weird face and looked away. Chuck had been drawing and you asked him about it
Y/N-"what are you drawing?"
CHUCK-"I'll have to show you"
Y/N-"what do you mean?"
CHUCK-"come on".
he grabbed your arm and pulled you up
Y/N-"wait dude my food"
you barely grabbed a bread roll before Chuck pulled you off
MINHO-"are you gonna eat this?"
Y/N-"don't you dare touch it!"
They laughed and you and chuck walked off into the woods
NEWT-"she really likes that, kid i guess
MINHO-"they are like best friends"
ALBY-"i think it's more of a big sister, little brother kinda thing"
NEWT-"yea... i can see that"
Y/N-"chuck where are we-"
a rat looking thing ran across your foot. You screamed and backed up.
CHUCK-"that's what im drawing! it's a beetle blade, it's like a camera for the game makers"
Y/N-"game makers?"
CHUCK-"you know... the people that made this"
Y/N-"oh right totally knew that"
you were being sarcastic and punched him in the arm. you both laughed and
then walked out of the woods and back to the table. Your food was gone.
Y/N-"who the hell ate my food?"
They looked away all smiling
Y/N-"you sons of-"
they got up and ran away except for Alby
ALBY-"if it makes you feel any better Minho ate the most."
Y/N-"how does that make me feel better?"
ALBY-"when you get your revenge... go for him. I only at the green beans."
Y/N-"i hate green beans"
ALBY-then you're welcome"
he acted like he was tipping a hat forward and then kept eating his food.
CHUCK-"y/n this is my thing. Pranks. i got you, we're gonna get them back so good."
You laughed and then walked away with him.
CHUCK-"so when Newt goes to lay in his hammock. this bucket of mud will fall on him."
You laughed and gave him a high five."
Y/N-"what about Minho?"
CHUCK-"we want him to sweat it. He knows his is coming... it's just a matter of when"
Y/N-"you're a smart kid you know that?"
CHUCK-"what can i say"
you both smiled and then ran back to the others.
ALBY-"what did you do?"
CHUCK-"you'll find out tonight"
you smiled and alby just pushed you towards Minho
ALBY-"it's late. Go watch the window"
You and minho looked at each other and then in sync said "aye aye captain! with the salute and everything. you both ran off and Newt, Minho, and Chuck laughed.
ALBY-"I've never seen anyone this happy. She really changed everything around here" CHUCK-"she's awesome"
NEWT-"yea she's pretty amazing"
They went to bed and you and Minho sat by the window on your stomach's
you heard Newt yell and the Chuck's laugh
CHUCK-"it worked!"
You laughed and then yelled back
Y/N-"good job chuck!
MINHO-"what jus happened??
Y/N-"we dumped mud on Newt"
MINHO-"you did what?"
Y/N-"you're next"
You winked at him and then looked out the window. An hour passed and you finally
saw something.
Y/N-"minho look!"
you pointed to a griever out in the maze and minho looked closer
Y/N-"can we name it?"
MINHO-"you just saw a griever... no one had like, ever seen a griever and your first thought is to name it?"
Y/N-"i like the name ash. kinda badass BUT could be a boy or girl. You know?"
Minho put his head down
MINHO-"ash it is"
You watched it closely when all of a sudden another griever's eye moved right in front of the window. You gasped and jumped back.
MINHO "it's okay, they can't get to you"
You laid back down and eventually fell asleep. You woke up to Minho shaking you.
You looked out the window and saw a group of 3 grievers standing in a triangle not moving
MINHO-"sorry, i wanted to let you sleep but i don't know what they're doing"
Y/N-"no i'm sorry, i tried to stay awake"
You looked at the grievers again
Y/N-"look at their backs. there is something glowing."
MINHO-"yea... yea i see it!"
He wrote it down on a piece of paper. all of a sudden the glowing stopped and they ran away.
Y/N-"we have to find out what that was"
MINHO "how though."
Y/N-"we have to kill one... and then you know get whatever was glowing out of it"

Her eyes - maze runner / newt and Thomas Where stories live. Discover now