Chapter 11

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You and Minho were in the room with Alby. Newt and Thomas walked in a little bit after. The medjack gave him the medicine and he went silent. You looked at Minho and he hugged you.
Y/N-"you think he'll be okay?"
MINHO-"you were"
Y/N-"yea but... he was out there for a whole night without that medicine. I got it right away and i still feel like sh!t"
NEWT-"he'll be okay. He's tough"
he smiled at you and you felt a bit better
MINHO-"we'll do the same thing. someone is always in this room"
Y/N-"I'll stay with him first"
you sat down in a chair and the others left.Alby was fine that night. Thomas brought you food and sat with you for a little to keep you company.
THOMAS-"i'm sorry y/n. you wouldn't have been out there if it wasn't for me."
Y/N-"you're intentions were good Thomas. Don't beat yourself up over it."
He looked down
THOMAS-"i just don't want you to hate me"
Y/N-"i don't"
THOMAS-"i don't believe you"
You stood up and kissed him on the cheek
Y/N-"i don't hate you. Your turn to watch Alby"
you smiled and left the room. Newt saw you kiss him on the cheek and he stormed off. Y/N-"Newt?"
He didn't look at you and kept walking away. Minho saw and grabbed him MINHO-"what's wrong?"
Newt grabbed his arm and pulled him away. You walked over to Chuck and pulled him close to you.
Y/N-"what the hell is his problem?"
CHUCK-"no idea... he seemed fine until a second ago"
You were confused but you wanted to let him talk to Minho and give him space.
MINHO-"newt slow down"
he took him to the shed and slammed the door
NEWT-"she kissed him!"
NEWT-"i like her Minho... i have for so long and she kissed him"
MINHO-"like actually kissed him?
NEWT-"well... i mean on the cheek but still"
MINHO-"dude she does that. she kisses chuck on the forehead and she's kissed us on the cheek."
NEWT-"yea but... i think he likes her too"
MINHO-"she never said she liked him"
NEWT-"i just like her so much"
MINHO-"then you have to tell her Newt"
You knocked on the shed door and then slowly opened it
Y/N-"can i come in?"
MINHO-"yea... i'll leave you guys"
He walked out and you looked at Newt
Y/N-"can we go to the I tower?"
NEWT-"yea... sure"
You walked with him and then sat up at the tower.
Y/N-"are you okay? you stormed off and i don't know what happened"
NEWT-"you know"
Y/N-"i don't"
NEWT-"you kissed him"
Y/N-"who? Thomas?! that was on the cheek because he thought i hated him. Why does it matter even if i did?!"
NEWT-"because i like you!"
NEWT-"i like you... like... a lot"
he looked down and you put your hand on his face making him look at you. You smiled and pulled him into a kiss. He kissed you back and you both felt something there, you had for a long time. You stopped kissing after a I minute to catch your breath. You looked at him
Y/N-"i like you too Newt"
You guys climbed down and sat by a fire Minho looked at Newt and gave him a look as if asking how it went. Newt smiled and nodded. There was a big area of sand with a fire pit you all had made and log benches around in a circle. The guys sat on the log and you sat in the sand with your back against it.
CHUCK-"y/n can i do your hair?"
Y/N-"you can try, i swear if you get it all tangled up tho..."
the guys all helped braid your hair and it didn't look good.
Y/N-"oh my gosh it's horrible"
you laughed and then braided it yourself to show them.
MINHO-"we literally did the same thing... anyway i'm going to switch with Thomas"
Y/N-"okay, goodnight Minho"
MINHO-"night guys"
you took your hair out and left it down. Your hair is very pretty and long. You don't really have to try and do it, it naturally looks good. The guys were all talking and Thomas came out by the fire. Chuck sat it front of you and you drew in the sand with him. You guys played tic-tac-toe and he beat you every time
CHUCK-"come on y/n actually try"
Y/N-"i literally am"
the guys laughed and you kept losing. After a while it was pretty quiet and no one was talking anymore. Gally threw some more wood on the fire and you all sat around it

Her eyes - maze runner / newt and Thomas Where stories live. Discover now