Chapter 6

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MINHO-"that's not possible without dying"
Y/N-"you never know. i I think we could do it"
You guys watched the window for a couple more hours but nothing happened and no more grievers showed up. The sun started to rise and you and Minho left the window. You walked over and got food from Frypan. Newt, Alby, and chuck joined you
at the table. you could barely keep your eyes open and you were holding your head up with your hand.
NEWT-"someone's tired"
your eyes closed and you had to try so hard open them again
Y/N-"I'm sorry they won't open. i physically can't do it"
chuck poked you in the eyes and your shot your head back
CHUCK-"they opened!"
All the guys cheered and then laughed. you ate your food quietly and Minho told them about the grievers. They all started getting up and Newt basically had to drag you to work in the garden, when he wasn't looking you'd sit down and stop working. They day dragged on until it was finally over. You ate dinner like usual making sure no one stole anything this
time. You heard Gally yelling and you looked over.
GALLY-"so is it true? you saw grievers? and you expect us to kill one?"
you all ignored him but he stood up and walked over to your table. He slammed his hand down on either side of you making you jump.
GALLY-"i say we volunteer her."
GALLY-"excuse me?"
Y/N-"you said her... my names y/n"
He grabbed you
GALLY-"you're really pissing me off... y/n"
he stood you up and walked over to the doors
GALLY-"I'm going to throw you in. you know that?"
MINHO-"gally let go of her now!"
He pushed you forward towards the wall but he didn't let go of your shirt. You grabbed his arm and he pulled you back into the I glade. He laughed and walked off with his friends.
NEWT-"you okay love?"
You nodded and walked off towards your hammock. You laid down and looked at the covering above you. You didn't talk to anyone until the next morning. Newt grabbed your hand and pulled you to the watch tower before breakfast.
NEWT-"i wanted to talk to you. You seem off"
Y/N-"i'm fine. thank you tho"
NEWT-"We all know you aren't okay, we were talking last night-"
Y/N-"you guys talk about me?"
NEWT-"not like that."
you looked at him and then down at your feet that dangled over the edge.
NEWT-"we just want to make sure you're okay."
Y/N-"i told you i'm fine"
you smiled at him and squeezed his hand
Y/N-"let's go eat."
you had breakfast and worked in the glade all day like usual. This went on for months and each month a new guy was brought up. you didn't really talk to any
of them and stayed with your old group. a year went
by and you were happy with your friends.
Time skip - 1 year later
One day an alarm went off and you all ran towards the box. You and Alby opened it and there was a tall brown haired boy about he same age, sitting there. Minho climbed into the box and helped the boy out. You smiled at him and he just
looked around.
?-"where am I?"
Y/N-"the glade. I'm y/n"
You pointed at the guys and introduced them all. Newt and Alby gave him a tour of the glade and you did your jobs like usual.
After they were done showing him around and telling him the rules you walked over.
Y/N-"yea, you'll get yours I back in a little bit."
?-"so how long have you been here?"
Y/N-"a year. it's pretty nice when you get used to it. Come on let's get dinner"
You walked over to Frypan and both got food, you sat down with your friends and all talked.
The new boy asked a lot of questions.
ALBY-"he's like y/n. remember when she wouldn't stop asking questions."
NEWT-"it went on for months"
You smiled and kept eating.
MINHO-"so greenie, how you like the glade?"
?-"it's okay"
NEWT-"that didn't seem sincere"
they laughed and the greenie just looked at his food. You nudged his arm and he looked at you. you smiled and he smiled back. Newt noticed and looked away. You guys all ate and talked the rest of dinner. You helped set up for the bonfire and hung out with the greenie since he didn't really know anyone. Gally was setting up for the games and you were Jlighting the torches.
GALLY-"greenie, you and me"
Y/N-"Gally come one"
GALLY-"unless you're scared
?-"im not scared"
he walked forward but you stepped in front of him
Y/N-"don't. trust me"
he looked at you and then Gally.he walked over to Minho mad.
?-"why doesn't she want me to fight him?"
MINHO-"y/n fought him and honestly i think he broke her cheekbone. she put up a fight tho and gave him a pretty ugly bruise too."
A/n- I know Thomas doesn't come a year after Chuck but I wanted to make this so y/n had more time to get to know the gladers not that she there for a month and is all a sudden in love with someone

Her eyes - maze runner / newt and Thomas Where stories live. Discover now