Chapter 9

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You were asleep for a couple days and you would toss and turn all the time. You would sometimes yell out in pain and Chuck would run to Thomas or Newt to comfort him. After about 3 days you woke up, Alby was in the room at the time and he stood up and walked over to your bed.
ALBY-"hey, you feeling better?"
Y/N-"i feel like i was hit by a bus"
you started coughing
ALBY-"just take in easy"
You sat up and took a deep breath
Y/N-"how's chuck?"
ALBY "he was really scared, he'll be happy to see you awake tho"
he put his hand on your shoulder and smiled. He left the room and the guys gave
him a weird look
NEWT-"you have to be in there still, remember that?"
ALBY-"she's awake"
THOMAS-"chuck let's go draw by the tower" CHUCK-"you guys act like i didn't hear everyone talking. She was stung, she went through the changing. Is she awake now?" Alby nodded and Chuck ran to the building you were in. Thomas and Alby tried to grab him but he made his way out of their grip. He opened the door and you were standing there looking at a book the game makers gave you guys about injuries and how to treat them. He ran over and gave you a hug. You hugged him back and kissed the top of his head
CHUCK-"i missed you"
Y/N-"trust me i missed you way more"
You had lost a lot of weight over the past couple days I and you still had bruises everywhere. the guys came in the room and saw you and chuck hugging still
NEWT-"we should probably get her some food"
You walked out of the room and all the gladers were staring at you.
You ate lunch with everyone and Gally got up to walk over to you. You put your head down and leaned on your arm
Y/N-"oh god"
MINHO-"it'll be fine"
GALLY-"wow y/n, you look like sh!t"
He laughed with his friends
Y/N-"when you get attacked, drowned, and stung by a griever... then talk to me about it"
He didn't say anything and then he just walked away. The guys looked at each other.
Y/N-"you guys, I'm fine. I just wanted him to get off my ass"
NEWT-"we get it... just let us know if you need anything"
you stood up and walked over to Frypan
Y/N-"that was amazing frypan, thank you" FRYPAN-"my pleasure y/n. how are you feeling?"
Y/N-"okay i guess"
you smiled weakly and he knew you didn't feel great. New walked over and grabbed your hand
NEWT-"you're taking the day off"
Y/N-"it's fine. honestly i can work"
NEWT-"you will stay by me, if i tell you to stop, you will leave and go to your hammock. Got it?"
Y/N-"got it"
you smiled at him and you guys walked over to the garden. You didn't do much
besides pick vegetables and walk them to Frypan for dinner.
Y/N-"where's alby?"
NEWT-"in the maze with Minho. going to look for the dead griever"
Y/N-"that was days ago. why didn't they look sooner?"
NEWT-"because you were stung, beside it's dead... where's it gonna go"
You looked at the doors and had a bad feeling
They say slowly ended and you guys got food. You didn't eat at all and kept watching the doors
THOMAS-"y/n you have to eat. you haven't eaten in days"
Y/N-"they should be back"
NEWT-"they're gonna be back" THOMAS-"what happens if not?"
You looked at him and swallowed
Y/N-"they're dead"
Newt didnt say anything. You stood up and walked over to the door.
THOMAS-"do you think theyll make it?" NEWT-"they always do"
they stood up and walked over to where you were. Your heart was pounding. The doors were going to close any second. The doors started rumbling and your hands started shaking.
You could see Minho carrying Alby. He had to drag him at one point. Thomas tried to run in but you ran after him. You grabbed him and pushed him into the glade causing you to be thrown in the maze.
The doors closed

Her eyes - maze runner / newt and Thomas Where stories live. Discover now