Chapter 41 - final

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Newt helped you sit up and held you.
THOMAS "there they are!"
he pointed at the jet and the back of it opened. Thomas, Minho, and Chuck got in and Newt helped you to your feet. Him and Louis had to help you there and Minho reached out for you. Thomas grabbed your other arm and pulled you into the jet. They helped Louis and Newt in and you laid down trying your best to breathe. Everyone was talking and trying to help you
everyone got quiet and Chuck sat next to you. he grabbed your hand and stabbed something into your leg. you squeezed his hand and covered your face with your arm. TERESA-"chuck what was that?"
CHUCK-"the cure..."
Everyone stared at him
LOUIS-"i thought there was only one..."
CHUCK-"janson has it. the flare.that's why he didn't I want you guys to get anything, he wanted it for himself. They made another cure for him, but i took it when they weren't looking"
Thomas hugged him and Newt cheered
MINHO."way to go kid"
you laid there still in pain and louis lifted your sleeve
LOUIS-"are you sure?" it was still dark
CHUCK-"they said they were 100% sure it would work. It will take a little to start working."
Y/N-"we can't leave group b and c"
TERESA-"they evacuated the building. They're around the back"
LOUIS-"can we get them?"
TERESA "yes but we have to be quick"
they drove around the back and quickly loaded everyone in. The others who weren't immune had been sent off already, they were too far along in the fazes. the members of group c hugged Louis and then came over to you
NOAH-"you okay?"
you shrugged and smiled
Y/N-"i will be" you hugged him and the other members. Newt sat next to you and held your hand
NEWT-"I thought i was going to lose you y/n"
Y/N-"I'm sorry"
you looked at him and he kissed you, you kissed him back and then pulled away.
Y/N-"you can forget that letter, thought i was going to die but i guess not"
you both laughed and he pulled you into a hug
CHUCK-"so where are we going?"
THOMAS-"the safe haven"
LOUIS-"the what?"
MINHO-"it's away from W.C.K.D, it's where we can I all live and stay safe"
TERESA "they said we'll be there in about 26 hours"
you all sat around and told stories, you and Louis liked hearing about everything they did but you didn't want to share your own experiences. None of you slept that night, you were too busy sharing stories. you got up at one point and walked around the jet. Louis followed after you without you knowing, you were humming the song you always sing and he grabbed your hand.
Y/N-"you scared me"
you laughed and he smiled
LOUIS-"sorry, i just need to talk to you."
Y/N-"what about?"
he hugged you
LOUIS-"thank you y/n. you didn't know there was a second cure... and you gave it to me anyway"
Y/N-"hey you saved me in the scorch, i owed you one"
You guys walked into a room and saw Jorge flying the jet.
Y/N-"hey jorge. you need anything?"
He didn't answer
you walked towards him and he fell forward onto the controls. the jet jerked up and down and you grabbed the controls
Y/N-"he had the flare. i totally forgot"
LOUIS-"hang on, I'm going to get the guys"
he ran out the room you realized Jorge didn't just die on his own... he was shot. you turned around and saw Brenda in the corner, she slammed the door
Y/N-"brenda... i need you to think about what you're doing. Think of all the people on this jet"
someone tried opening the door but it was locked
THOMAS-"y/n open the door"
BRENDA-"she can't do that for you"
NEWT-"brenda's in there?"
LOUIS-"I didn't see her in there earlier"
Brenda was looking at the door and distracted by the guys. you grabbed a knife from your boots and threw it at her. it stuck in her shoulder and you hit the gun from her hand. The guys heard a loud crash and Minho kicked the door in. Gally grabbed the controls and Brenda tackled you to the ground, she punched you and you fought back. you made her nose bleed and she gave you a bloody lip. You both had bruises.Louis and Thomas got her off of you.
NEWT-"are you okay"
Y/N-"the bitch has the flare. she's in stage 5 for sure"
MINHO-"well at least we know the cure worked. Y/n is back to herself"
they laughed and took brenda to another room and locked her in. Newt helped you clean up from fighting and then you joined the others again
CHUCK-"what are you going to do with her?"
Y/N-"i feel bad just letting her go insane but i don't want to kill her either"
THOMAS-"i say we let nature take its course"
Frypan and Gally flew the jet the rest of the way and you finally arrived at the safe haven the next day. You all made huts and hammocks the first day and then created jobs for everyone. You were all safe and happy, and you lived the rest of your life in the safe haven with the people you love.

Her eyes - maze runner / newt and Thomas Where stories live. Discover now