Chapter 40

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TERESA-"we also need to figure out a way to get Chuck back"
THOMAS-"i don't know if we can..."
NEWT-"we would have to go in a small group and wait a few days or weeks. The place will be packed with security"
MINHO-"he's right, we'll make a plan in the morning. let's get some sleep for now
you had been pretending to be asleep ever since Teresa started talking. You would be too sick in a few days to do anything, you had to go tonight. You grabbed black I leggings a black hoodie and the boots minho gave you. you grabbed 3 knives and found the cure on the bus. Louis was still asleep and you walked over to him. You carefully injected him with the cure and you pulled up his sleeve. The mark was already fading and you smiled. You stood up and ran back towards the W.C.K.D building. 3 AM NEWT-"guys... where is y/n?"
Everyone stood up and looked around. Minho picked up the empty cure bottle and Louis lifted up his sleeve
LOUIS-"god dammit y/n!"
Everyone had wide eyes and looked at each other.
THOMAS-"i think i know what she's doing"
THOMAS "...getting Chuck"
Newt took a deep breath and bit his lip
NEWT-"he's right"
Louis felt guilty about having the cure and made it a point that he was going to W.C.K.D and saving you no matter what.
THOMAS "okay. me, Minho, Louis, and Newt are going inside the building. Louis and Newt will stay together and Minho and I will stay together in another section of W.C.K.D"
TERESA-"what do we do?"
GALLY-"well we need a get away"
MINHO-"someone get a jet. that will work best"
Everyone started packing up stuff to bring back to W.C.K.D, Louis, Thomas, Minho, and Newt all had fake security suits that would cover their entire bodies.
you finally reached W.C.K.D and looked up to see the window shattered and caution tape over it. It was still dark so no one could see you in your black clothing. You walked to an open window on the bottom floor and climbed in. The room was empty but you didn't waste any time. you looked into the hallway and didn't see anyone. You grabbed a medical mask to cover most of your face and walked out the room. you quickly walked to an elevator and it was about to shut when someone's hand stopped the doors. MATT-"sorry, I'm in a rush and need to get in"
he smiled and you just laughed a little. If you talked or even made eye contact he would know it's you. You looked at the ground and when the elevator stopped he got off on floor 4, you stayed because you had to get to floor 8. The elevator doors opened and you immediately saw a closet. you ran into it and saw a vent that you would be able to crawl into. you climbed in and started going towards group b's room.
they started walking instead of driving the bus because they didn't want to get caught. They walked for about 40 minutes and they finally made it to W.C.K.D. Louis and Newt used the front door and Minho and Thomas used the back door. They went up the elevators and went to floor 8. You made it above the room and didn't see anyone in there
Y/N-"come on Chuck where are you?"
the door opened and you saw Chuck get pushed in the room, he was being punished for your escape. Once the guards left you called to him
he looked up and saw you
CHUCK "y/n? what are you doing here?!"
Y/N-"saving your ass"
you smiled and climbed down. You hugged him tight and wouldn't let him go. CHUCK."y/n this is important i-"
2 guards burst into the room and you pushed chuck behind you. they closed the door fast and you started getting scared until they took off their helmets.
Y/N-"what the hell are you doing here?!"
LOUIS."y/n why did you do it?"
Y/N-"i had to"
LOUIS-"what happened to we go through this together?"
Y/N-"I couldn't watch you die knowing i could do something about it"
NEWT-"we have to go"
louis grabbed chuck and Newt grabbed you, they pretended that you were in trouble and they were removing you from the building. They tried to go down to the main floor but it was packed with people
NEWT-"we have to go up to the roof and get Jorge to bring the jet there"
LOUIS-"okay let's go"
you were having a hard time walking and felt sick again. They got to the door and smoke filled the air
Y/N-"what's that?"
Thomas and Minho came running up behind you guys
NEWT-"what the hell did you do?"
MINHO-"we had to lose them, so we set the bed on fire in Janson's room" LOUIS-"great"(sarcastic)
they opened the door and you could see how quickly everything caught on fire. CHUCK-"where are they?"
NEWT-"i don't know"
CHUCK-"guys listen i have-"
your knees gave out and you collapsed to the ground.

Her eyes - maze runner / newt and Thomas Where stories live. Discover now