Chapter 2

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You got to Gally's table and stood at the end of it. He was sitting with a bunch of guys but you didn't really know any of them.
GALLY-"have a seat"
Y/N-"I'm okay i-"
he grabbed your arm and pulled you down on the bench. You looked at him and then the others, they just smiled and kept eating
GALLY-"why don't you tell us a bit about you"
Y/N-"i don't remember anything..."
your voice was quiet because honestly Gally I made you nervous
GALLY "oh that's right
they all laughed and you looked over at Newt, Minho, Alby, and Chuck. They were all watching you and they looked serious.
NEWT-"what do you think they're saying?"
ALBY-"don't care"
he kept eating
CHUCK-"she looks uncomfortable"
Y/N-"I think I'm going to
head back over. It was nice
talking to you.
You smiled but it was fake.
You stood up but Gally grabbed your arm before you could walk away.
GALLY-"i might be able to help you remember."
He smiled and his friends started laughing. He took a huge glass of water and dumped it in your head. You gasped and stepped back. All the guys from your table stood up and ran over. Minho pushed Gally
MINHO-"what the hell man!"
GALLY-"i'm just trying to help her remember"
He smiled at you and you
gave him a dirty look.Newt pulled you toward the hammocks
NEWT-"come on love, we'll get you cleaned up."
Chuck and Newt walked you over and gave you a towel. You put on a new sweatshirt and then sat with Newt and Chuck.
Minho and Alby were talking to Gally about what he did
CHUCK-"he's never like that... i wonder what it is"
Y/N-"I'm a girl"
NEWT-"just don't worry about him. he's not worth it, i'll be back"
he smiled and left the room. You talked with Chuck for a while and then Minho came running in.
MINHO-"let's go!"
CHUCK-"we have a bonfire to celebrate the newbies"
Minho and Chuck grabbed your arms and pulled you to the fire. Everyone was drinking and playing games. Chuck disappeared in all the gladers so you hung out with Newt and Minho. Alby wasn't there he was working on something in the
homestead. You hung out with newt and Minho
for an hour when all of a sudden you heard Gally yell. You all ran over and saw him shaking the bottom of his shirt. You saw a frog fall out and hop
away. You couldn't help but laugh a little.
Gally walked over to Chuck and pushed him. He fell to the ground because he's so small compared to Gally
you ran over to chuck and asked him if he was okay.
You helped him up and then you turned and looked at Gally
Y/N-"why would you do that?"
GALLY-"the shank put a frog down my shirt!"
CHUCK-"you poured water on her!"
GALLY-"listen! i don't give a sh!t about you or her. And no one ever will Chuck! You have no family!"
Y/N-"gally stop!"
CHUCK-"i have a family!"
NEWT-"everyone calm down"
Gally walked over to ChuckVbut you stood in front of him.
Y/N-"gally just leave him alone. everything is fine"
GALLY "I said move!
MINHO-"gally calm down"
You didn't move and gally slapped you across the face
GALLY-"you're just a girl! you listen to me! i said move."
You were pissed. Gally punched you in the face and you hit him back. He stumbled surprised you actually fought him. His friend came from the side and tackled you to the ground. He was about to punch you in the face but you rolled out of the way. There was a dent in the sand where he punched.
MINHO-"what the hell!"
He grabbed the guy and Newt grabbed you. Chuck came running by you.
MINHO-"what the hell guys we're supposed to stick together!"
GALLY-"we've gone this long without a girl! we don't need one!"
Y/N-"well you have one so deal with it"
Gally started walking toward you but Newt pulled you back behind him,
NEWT-"everyone go to bed. we're down for tonight.
GALLY-"do us all a favor and throw that shank in the maze."
You were hurt by what Gally said. Did they not want you here?
Y/N-"I'm sorry were you talking to me?"
He laughed
NEWT-"i asked if you were okay"
Y/N-"yea... I'm fine... thanks"
MINHO-"that was badass"
you smiled and walked with
them to the hammocks.
NEWT-"I'm sorry?"
Y/N-"that's my name. Y/n"
MINHO-"glad to have you here y/n"
they smiled at you and you all went to bed

Her eyes - maze runner / newt and Thomas Where stories live. Discover now