Chapter 4.

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"Over there is Tiffany. She'll be your fellow peer in this joint. Bonnie and Dylan are the cooks. Richard does the dishes. And I of course am the manager." Mister Dennings smiled. I looked around at the busy diner.

"This place looks like a typical diner back in California."

"Well, we like to keep things that way here. You may be surprised by how many people actually love this place. We get usuals, newcomers and a few tourists. The Americans like it here because it's the closest thing they have to home."

I nodded and grabbed the notepad off the counter. "Thank you for the opprotunity sir. I'll make you proud."

"Please do. We've atleast gone throught about twenty girls these past six months. You can have your break along with Tiffany at noon."

And with that, he made his way to the back, leaving me alone in the crowd of people. I noticed a few women walk in, giggling when they noticed a few guys across the room looking at them. They sat at a table. My first table. I took a breath and approached.

"Hello. Are you all ready?" I asked.

"We just got here." A snooty red head whined. "Why don't you get us some tea alright?"

"We don't serve tea here. We do have coffee..."

"No tea. What kind of a place is this??"

"I um...." I stood nervously, looking around for help. The other waitress must have noticed this by the way she walked over. She had to be about my age. High blonde hair and pink lipstick.

"Is something wrong here?" Tiffany asked, putting a hand on her hip. She held a pot of coffee in the other. I was glad to hear her American accent.

"I was told there was no tea available." The redhead gave a fake smile.

"You were told right. Here, have some coffee."
Before she could pour their glasses, the red head waved her away.

"This place is a joke. Come on girls, let's go to a real diner."

"Yeah go on. Stinking up the joint anyways with your cheap perfume."

I giggled and hid my smile.

"Well, atleast I'm not the one serving people."

Tiffany just watched them leave out the door. She sighed and turned to me. "I'm sorry about them. We get some rude people. But before you get to a table, wait a few minutes alright? I usually give it five. Just to get people situated." She smiled.

"Thanks for the tip. I'm Molly."

"Tiffany. But you can call me Tiff. We better get back to work now or mister Dennings will be off his head. Let me know if you need help alright?"

"I will."

We went our seperate ways and soon everything began to go smoothly. I took her advice and began waiting tables. Some people were nice, some rude, some in a hurry, others just plain ignorant. By the time noon came around, I was happy to finally have a break. We closed for twenty minutes to change over for lunch. Tiffany was sitting at a small table, eating a burger that Richard made. I walked over.

"Hi um...can I sit?" I asked. She nodded. "I never knew a first day could be so tiring."

She smiled and wiped her mouth with a napkin. "And it was only three hours. You got six more ahead of you."

I sighed and rubbed the back of my neck. "You work here long?"

"A few months now. Saving up for a car. Mom won't let me move out unless she sees I can provide for myself." She rolled her eyes. I giggled.

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