Chapter 11.

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I awoke at about five in the evening. In time to hear a new record put on. The faint smell of coffee and cigarettes. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, looking around the empty room. I could see a lit cigarette on top of a shelf beside a cup. He must have just left the room. I looked at the time and got up off the matress, grabbing my purse. I stopped when I noticed his new painting.

It was me. Sleeping.

I blushed and never realised how peaceful I looked. My hair tossed. My hand on my stomach as I layed on my back. The blanket thrown carelessly on my waist. I jumped when I heard the door open and close.

"Hiya." He blushed, watching me. I smiled and pointed to his painting.

"It's beautiful Stu. I'm flattered."

"You looked so beautiful I...I couldn't let it go to waste."

I stayed silent, looking down to hide my shy smile. He grabbed his cigarette and took a drag.

"Were you off to leave?" He pointed to my purse.

I nodded. "I should. I have to speak to my dad and..."

"There's a phone here." He said pointing to it on the floor. I smiled.



"Would you like me to stay?"

He put his cig out and looked down at his shoes. "Christ I...I guess I'm being to forward am I. I'm sorry. If you want to leave you should."

I walked over to him and held his hand. "I want to stay."

He looked at me. Our faces inches apart.

"Are you sure?" He asked quietly.

"I do." I smiled and looked down at his messy, painted hands. "Paint me again?"

He looked at me with questioning eyes. Full of wonder. His lips parted as he was about to speak. But he closed them again.

"I trust you." I said.

He nodded and grabbed another cigarette, lighting it as I made my way back to the matress. I set my bag down as he neared, sitting beside me.

"I don't want you to do anything you're uncomfortable with." He placed his hand on mine.

"You're work is beautiful. Let me be a part of it." I kissed the tip of his nose. He blushed and trailed his eyes to my fingers. I slowly unbuttoned my top, letting it fall open. His smooth fingers slowly pulled it off. Making my body tingle. Next, I stood up as he kneeled on his knees, unzipping the back of my skirt. He tugged down, letting me kick them to the side on the hard floor. I stood in nothing but my stockings and bra. He looked up at me as I slowly moved my fingers into his hair. His hands gliding up my thighs.

"Black suits you." He smiled. I giggled and reached around back, unhooking my bra. I let the straps fall off my shoulders and soon tossed it across the room. His eyes on my exposed chest.

I've never felt so shy being half naked in front of anyone. Something about Stuart seeing me like this really excited me. My body showing it. He stood up and trailed his finger over my features. I shut my eyes as he cupped my breasts in each hand.

"Keep the stockings on." He said in my ear. I nodded as he kissed my cheek.

His painting lasted about two hours. I didn't mind staying in the same position. Elvis singing to me, our small chit chat now and then. He even let me take a five minute break between the hours, giving me a cup of tea, but not letting me see his work yet.

"You can move now." He smiled, looking at his canvas. I sat up and hugged my knees to my chest.

"How did it come out??" I asked eagerly. He chuckled.

"Patience love. Come on." He waved for me to approach him. I stood up and walked over, moving his hand and sitting in his lap. He blushed at this but allowed me. I looked at his work.

"Stu's beautiful."

"Yeah? I hope you like it.."

"I love it. You have a gift. I feel honored to be a part of your work... a part of your passion." I was about to kiss his cheek. But he turned his face instead so that our lips met. We instantly began kissing. His hands on my waist, my hand on the side of his face. I moaned softly as he moved his lips roughly with mine. Soon my fingers were unbuttoning his shirt.

At this point we knew something happened. This wasn't just a heat of the moment thing. This wasn't just going to be a one night stand. I actually loved what I was doing. We've thought about it. Had time to approach this. We could turn back anytime. But we didn't want to.

As he held me up by my bum, he carried me to the matress. Our mouths never breaking.

Stuart and I laid in bed afterwards, just giggling like teenagers. Smiling like idiots. Holding one another. His firm arms around me as I rested my head in the crook of his neck. Kissing his smooth chest softly.

"Be my girl." He said stroking my hair. I smiled to myself.

"You asking?"

He chuckled and moved his fingers up and down my back. "I am. So?"

I stayed silent for a few seconds and breathed in his scent. The sweat and faint smell of our sex in the air.

"Okay." I looked at him. He looked into my eyes and shut them as he leaned down, kissing me softly. I kissed back excitedly. My smile never leaving my face as we looked at each other. Bodies together. Love Me Tender playing in the background.

I stayed the night. Sleeping in his arms. Being completely carefree and feeling for the first time in awhile...loved. We awoke at about seven in the morning, completely aware of the fact we'd have to part ways. I still never called dad. What must he think of me?

We showered together, dressed and soon were off in his small, run down car. It worked, that's all that mattered. He was embarassed. But I assured him I didn't even have a vehicle to complain about, so he was the lucky one.

"What time you get off?" He asked as we parked outside the diner.


He nodded and rested his hands on the steering wheel. "Maybe we can go out after you get off. Catch a film and get a bite to eat?"

I smiled. "I'd love that. Pick me up?"

"Of course." He leaned over and kissed me. I shut my eyes and kissed back until it ended. "You're my girl now. You're goin to 'ave to get used to that."

I giggled and pecked his cheek before getting out of the car. I honestly felt on top of the world today. Stuart was my boyfriend now. I'm dating Stuart! I haven't felt this giddy in months. I waved as he drove off. Disappearing around the corner.

But my smile soon faded when I entered the diner to see my dad sitting at the counter....holding a woman's hand.

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