Chapter 35.

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"What the fuck d'you mean he's alright!? He's not alright!"

"Miss Winters calm down..."

"It's miss Sutcliffe! If my husband was 'alright' as you say, he wouldn't be on our apartment floor having a seizure! Don't give me your bullshit and caring words!" I argued.

"Please calm down. He should be fine with..."

I scoffed. "Fine. I've heard that before."

"I'd like to speak to Stuart alone please. It's his decision whether he takes the pills or not."

I huffed and grabbed my purse off the floor.

"I won't let him be your test subject." I pointed. He just stayed silent while I walked out of his private office and into the white room where a sad looking Stu sat silently waiting. I kissed his cheek and fixed is hair.

"They're just trying to help Molly."

"Why can't they just know what's wrong?" I sniffled. The doctor walked in and just looked at me.

"You feeling alright young man?"

"Yeah. Better." He replied simply.
"We'd like to give you two more medications." He sat down calmly.

The look on Stuart's face broke my heart. I knew he hated being on pills. More defeat. More put downs. More lies.

"So much for our trip." Stuart muttered as we entered our home. I set my things down and watched him set the pills beside the bed.

"It doesn't matter Stuart. We can have it some other day." I took my coat off. "What matters the most is your health."

He nodded and laid back on the mattress. "Why do you stick around with me? Why not choose Lennon and his healthy manner."

I walked over and crawled on top, straddling him at the waist.

"Cause I want you and only you. Suck it up Sutcliffe. Someone wants you." I smiled. He chuckled and ran a hand through his hair.

"I ave to make calls and change the date for the tickets."

"I'll do it Stu. Just relax okay? All this stress." I leaned down and kissed him. His hands held onto me.

"Why am I so broken?" He sighed.

"You're not broken baby. Broke but not broken."

He smiled and stroked the side of my face. "You always know what to say."

"Nobody knows you like I do."

"I wouldn't have it any other way." He whispered before kissing me again.

Stu and I spent our New Years eve just in bed, relaxing and in each others arms...well him in my arms to be exact. I always love that about Stuart. If he was having a bad day and needed some comfort, my arms were open for him and if I needed some comfort, his arms were open for me.

"Stuart?" I asked sleepily.


"I want to quit the diner."

He looked up at me and blinked. "Why?"

I shrugged and played with his hair. "I want to learn photography. Take it up again. Freelance maybe. I learned quite a bit from college and I still have all my notes and lesson studies."

"I think you should do it." He squeezed my leg. I smiled.

"And you?"

"What about me?"

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