Chapter 66.

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Stu and I awoke early the next morning to take a shower in the cramped bathroom down the hall and get dressed for breakfast. Since I had some money to spare, we decided to buy some envelopes, stamps and write some letters to our loved ones since we had time to spare in the diner.

I was eating a bagel and writing to dad and Sarah while Stu wrote to his dad.

"This is so depressing." Stu interrupted my thoughts. I looked at him.

"I know baby. I know you still consider John your friend but, maybe right now you need to let him be. He's got a lot on his shoulders and for us to move in and try to take that away would just make him angrier. Besides, I love having you to myself." I smiled.

"C'mere." He scooted in his seat and let me sit back in his arms. "Maybe we should go home."

"It still have work Stuart. Besides we can't just run away from everyone and never speak to anyone again." I looked up at him. He sighed.

"Molly you need to understand, these people don't want us around anymore. John doesn't want me, Astrid doesn't want you, bloody hell Paul can't even stand me in the group. We don't 'ave a flat of our own anymore to go home to! Face it Molly, we're just a homeless couple who has nowhere they belong!"

I sat silently, listening to his words as he held me. He was right. This wasn't the first time John cast us out of his life and his group and I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be his last. I wanted to believe we could all be those group of friends that were once close but so much has happened to change all of that.



"Can we leave?"

He stroked my hair. "You want to?"

"I do." I looked out the window. "Don't tell anyone. Just start somewhere new. We can make it work. Of course well go back to Liverpool, spend some time with our family and find ourselves some way of getting around. I just..I'm tired of feeling unwanted. You're the only person I believe actually still loves me and wants me around. I want something new for us. It's not impossible." I shut my eyes. It was silent for the longest time. I knew he was thinking to himself and I knew better than to interrupt him.

My patience was running low until he finally spoke.

"When will we leave?"

I smiled and turned to him. "Whenever you'd like."


"Sounds like a plan." I smiled.

We sent our letters at the post and headed back to the club where our room was. To my luck, Richard was leaving his room and smiled when he saw us.

"Heya! You two get on alright? I was just about to head off for brekky with me mates."

"Were heading off." Stu said. "We appreciate the room and all but, there's nothin for us here. I mean, Lennon made sure we knew where we stood in his life."

"Oh I see. C'mon atleast stay another night or two! A storm is supposed to be in tonight and the show was cancelled. Maybe we can all go down to see a film or 'ave some drinks with me mates? I mean were no Beatles but we came for a good time."

I looked up at Stu who shrugged. "I suppose if we're not a burden..."

"Great! It'll be great to have two new fans! Besides, you two look like you could use some cheerin up. We'll I better get off on out. See ye later!" He waved before jogging down the hall.

"Do we look that depressed?" He laughed.

"Come on babe. Maybe we need a night out to just relax and meet some new people. Remember how much fun New York was??"

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