Chapter 22.

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I slipped on the black dress, complete with my stockings and heels. My hair let down and a touch of makeup on my face. I was fixing my blush as Stu walked out of the bathroom in his black clothes. Nice suite coat with a plain black shirt underneath. Black suede shoes and jeans. I walked over and brushed his shoulder off and back to the mirror.



"You look beautiful. As always." He said quietly. I blushed.

"Thank you. We should get going."

He nodded and grabbed his car keys, reaching for my hand. I intertwined my fingers with his as we left the building.
The art shows were always at a small gallery that worked with the college. It was small and had drafts everywhere. The dim lights only shined on the art. Other art students and beatniks standing around, enjoying the scenery.

Stu and I held hands, walking around and taking in the art scene. It was so calm and beautiful. I loved every moment of it. Usually I'd be off in some club, waiting for a band to begin. In many ways I missed those days. But I couldn't imagine being anywhere else but with Stu.

"There's the man who wants to make an offer." Stu pointed across the room to an older gentlemen, smoking a cigar and in a nice suit.

"He sure looks like he'll pay a lot. Lets sucker him yeah?"

He laughed and looked at me. "Molly I...I'm sorry for earlier. I never should have raised my voice at you. You have no idea how terrible I feel."

I pressed my finger on his lips. "It's over with. It's just you and me. I love you."

"I love you too. Come on." He kissed my cheek and led me across the room.

We left the club at seven, excited and full of cash. Sitting in the car, we couldn't believe our luck.

"This is twice the amount I've ever gotten!" Stu said, looking into the envelope of money.

"Goes to show how much of a talented artist you are. Hard work pays off." I kissed his cheek.

"Yeah. We can buy a bed now. We should run away. Take this money, sell what we can to add up. We'll fly to Paris. America! Live in the Village and get married."

"Stuart you're so sweet. That'd be a dream. We need to finish our classes though."

He sighed. "I want to do something crazy with this money. I know you say you're comfortable but....I can tell you miss your old life. The music, the outings. Being young and driving people mad. I think we both need to do something a bit...unorthodox."

"Like?" I asked.

He just smiled and leaned over, giving me a deep kiss.

"Happy Birthday!" Everyone screamed as we entered the apartment. Stu smiled and ran a hand through his hair.

"Heya. I thought you lot forgot about me."

"How could we forget about little ol Stu? Come here." John hugged him. Our eyes meeting. The kiss from earlier flashing through my mind. Cynthia came over and pulled my arm as she talked happily.

"How was the show??" She asked.

"It was great. Stu's painting sold quite a penny for it."

She nodded. "Look um, I just want to thank you for everything. I know it's been a few months but, you really saved mine and John's relationship. We've been better than ever."

I smiled. "Yeah no problem. I'm really happy for you."

"Well, I better get back to John now. Talk later huh?"

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