Chapter 50.

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"I can't believe you two are friends again." I sat on my bed, taking my shoes off. Stu smiled and shrugged.

"What can I say. I'm a bloke of many deeds."

I giggled and laid back, extending my leg to the front of his jeans, slowly rubbing him with my foot.

"What went on in that room?" I asked. He grabbed my leg and walked in between, laying on me. I played with his hair. His face inches from mine.

"We 'ad a chat about you, about New York, Hamburg..."

"You told him about Hamburg???" I sat up quickly, making him fall off the bed. He groaned as he landed on one of my heels.

"Yes. I told him you were working for a mate of mine and I helped get you the gig. He um, just had one request."

"What's that?"

He sat beside me. "I finish school. Atleast get back in college or do somethin productive. I guess you're not the only one who perferres my borin side."

I laughed and slunk down on the floor, crawling over him as he laid back. He grabbed my black bra off the floor and read the tag.

"Whoa I didn't know they were that size!" He exclaimed. I grabbed his hands and placed them on my breasts.

"Yeah? And who's complainin?"

He smirked and leaned up, kissing me. "Not me."

We began kissing and fondling each other until the door opened and dad cleared his throat. I sat back as Stu grabbed a pillow and put it over his obvious erection.

"I'm starting to reconsider this."

I sat on the bed. "Dad thank you again for letting Stu stay here just until we leave for Hamburg."

"Yeah Mister Winters. After losing me flat, I found out they took everythin to the trash." He laughed sadly. "Christ even me clothes and old work."

I pouted. "Poor baby."

Dad leaned against the doorframe and crossed his arms. "I'm sorry to hear that mate. Look, maybe I can help you out with some of that lost stuff. Remember our deal though." He pointed before walking out. "And keep that door open!" He shouted.

I giggled and looked down at Stu who looked rather upset about losing it all. I felt bad for him.

"I'm sorry baby."

"It's alright Molly. I just...all my old work......"

I thought for a few seconds and stood up, grabbing a coat and putting on my steady boots. He furrowed his eyebrows.

"Goin somewhere?"

"We are going to the dump. Check out the dumpster and the trash!" I smiled.

It was raining by the time I climbed out of the dumpster in the back of our old apartment and handed him the last painting I could find, along with a notebook full of his writings. He smiled and kissed my cheek as he finished looking through one last trash bag on the floor, stuffing the stack of records in another bag for us to take.

We must have looked rediculous and desperate. Two young lovers in dumpsters with artwork and records, full of dust and trash.

"Thank you Molly. For actually doin somethin like this for me."

"It's my pleasure Stuart. Besides, I know your work means lots to does for me too." I smiled, holding the umbrella with one hand and a few paintings in the other as we began to walk back to mine.

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