Chapter 59.

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Stu and I sat in the lonely diner at one in the morning, smoking and waiting for the people to show up.

"It's been half an hour." Stu sighed. I placed my hand on his arm.


He took a long drag before putting his smoke out. I leaned into his chest as he draped an arm around me. I smiled.

"This feels unreal."

"What does?"

"Us. Hamburg. Our whole universe of Rock N Roll. I don't think it's supposed to be this surreal."

He chuckled. "Yeah I suppose. John's mentioned a break in two days. I think we should try for that baby."

I looked up at him. "About that..."


We sat up to see Astrid and Klaus walk over, excited to see us. I laughed.

"It's you two! I should've known."

"Just our luck ya?? You met Tony and Meg?"

"In New York."

"Small world innit?" Stu laughed.
"Very. Just before we walked in I was thinkin of you two. Wasn't I Klaus??"

"Don't make friends with her or you'll never get rid of 'er." Klaus laughed. She made a face and shushed him. I smiled at how cute they were with one another. It was no shock as to why they got along with Tony and Meg.

"So you needed a room? Already tired of the cinema?" Astrid giggled while lighting a cig.

"It's a fuckin waste." Stu shook his head. I laughed and held his hand.

"He's sulking cause we had to share a bed with John."

"J-John. Is he the one with the..?."

"The ringmaster of the circus yeah." Stu finished. She smiled and looked at her hands.

"I was hoping to speak to him but he left with a girl."

"You'll get used to that sight if you stick around awhile." I joked. Stu laughed and nudged me with his elbow.

"It's gettin late Astrid." Klaus said to her quietly.

"Just a small chat wouldn't hurt." She answered.

"I know but I 'ave work. There's enough time in the world for a talk."

"Fine." She nodded and turned to us. "C'mon. Let's set you up." She smiled.

Stu and I followed the two to a house that stood tightly amongst others.

"It's not anythin too perfect but it's a spare." Astrid unlocked the door and led us all inside. It smelled like burnt candles and mint. Klaus kissed her cheek and motioned upstairs. She nodded.

"I'm off to get some sleep. Nice to 'ave roomates." He smiled.

"G'night." I smiled as he left off. Astrid turned to us.

"I hope you two will suffice. It's not really a room as to more of the attic."

"That's just fine. Were not very picky in the whole place of stayin department." Stu looked around.

"Is there a bed?" I asked.

"Uh no. I can get you a mattress though is that alright?"

Stu and I just laughed to one another.

"That's perfect." I smiled.

The attic was quite larger than we thought. A large window on the side gave a lot of light to the point she had to put a sheet over it to dim the room. It was one thirty when we finally got the mattress in and Astrid left us to sleep.

I found myself sleepless after Stu began to snore. I sighed and sat up, hugging my knees to my chest. My mind wandering.

Stuart." I said quietly to myself.

No answer of course since he was sleeping.

"I need to tell you something." I went on.

I looked down at him as he slept without a clue as to my existence in his dreams. I leaned over, grabbing my purse and pulling out the letter from Stu's old college. Important. A scholorship. I put it back in and laid down. Tomorrow. Definitely tomorrow.

I awoke the next morning alone with a cold spot beside me. Opening my eyes I sat up and ran my fingers through my hair. The rain out made me groan.

"G'mornin." Stu walked in with a cup of coffee and a bagel, setting it beside me. I smiled.

"G'morning to you too."

He sat and pecked my lips before resting his head in my lap. Sighing and closing his eyes. I took a drink of the warm caffiene and set it down.

"Are you alright?" I asked him. He shook his head.

"What is it?" I pouted. He pointed to his head.

I nodded and played with his hair. "For how long?"

"Since we got 'ere."

"Stuart you should tell me as soon as it happens." I kissed his forehead. "We need to see the doctor."

"We?" He asked.

"I mean you. You need to see a doctor." I looked away. He sat up.

"Molly what aren't you telling me?"

"There's nothing to say right now."

"Then until?"

I sighed. "I think I'm pregnant."

His eyes widened a bit. ""

I laughed a little and shook my head. "I think you know how. I just haven't been feeling myself lately. It could be stress from everything but...I don't know. I remember talking to Sarah a year ago and she mentioned she was surprised when she found out she was having a baby cause she had gotten her period before. I just...maybe I'm thinking too much of this. Right now let's focus on you."

"We need to focus on each other Moll. You're my wife and...even if this baby comes sooner than we were prepared for, then let that be the case."

I nodded and gave him a small kiss. "Let's go after breakfast? The sooner I know the better."

"Sounds like a plan." He kissed my cheek and stood up.

"Wait Stu. I have something for you." I grabbed my purse and pulled out the envelope. He grabbed it and opened up, reading the contents.

"Molly...holy shit." He smiled. "When..."

"Before we left it was in the mail for you. I took it and was planning on giving it to you when we got here but, we've been so busy I couldn't think straight. I figure since were now in a stable place temporarily...there you are."

He sat beside me again and kissed me hard. I laughed and pulled back.

"This is fuckin brilliant! I can get into a real University! A fuckin great art school I won't 'ave to pay for! I can further my practices and..." he trailed off and stayed silent for a few seconds. "...the band...a fuckin health..I can't do this.."

"Yes you can and you will. I'm on assignment remember?? I'll have money coming in, we'll stay here until we save up enough to get us a place back home."

"Or.." he smiled. "The Village."

"You think?" I asked happily.

"We can do this Molly. We'll make it."

"Promise me." I pecked his lips.

"I promise forever." He smiled, returning the kiss.

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