Chapter 8.

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"Tiffany what...what is this?" I asked nervously.

"I heard you and John out back in the alley. Your moans turned me on I have to admit. He must really be great at pleasing you." She stood up and walked over to me slowly. She did have a nice body I had to say. Her long hair barely covering her breasts. Thin figure. Long legs. I backed up against the wall as she gave me a smile.

"Tiffany I...I've never done anything with...I mean I'm not.."

"You know when John mentioned earlier about making it work between us all...." her hand brushing against mine. "I had a few ideas in my mind."

I looked at her and slowly took my coat off. She smiled and pulled me by the hand to the bed.

"This is all so sudden. I mean were supposed to meet George in ten minutes." I said shakily. She giggled and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

"So jumpy. Shhhh. We'll make it quick. Just relax baby."

I nodded and breathed uneasily as she slowly pressed her lips against mine.

The party seemed to turn out pretty great. Lots of people showed, the music keeping the rooms occupied as people stood around talking, drinking, having a good time.

I couldn't help giggling as Tiffany and I walked into the house together. George outside talking with a friend. Paul walked over to us when he saw Tiff.

"Hello Hello. Glad to see you two took my invitation." He smiled. Tiffany smiled and reached over, pulling a piece of lint off his shirt.

"Actually, John invited us. How about a drink?" She asked with a teasing smile on her face. He hurriedly ran off. I nudged her.

"Don't hurt him yeah? He seems like a nice guy."

"Oh come on I'm just having a little fun. No harm. So, how are you then?"

I blushed. "What do you mean?"

"Oh come on don't give me that. Are you alright with what happened back at your bed?" She whispered with a smile.

"It definitly was new." I said, smiling a little. She giggled and fixed my hair until Paul came over with two glasses.

"Would you like a tour of my home?" He asked, draping an arm around her shoulders.

"You know, I like your confidence. But um, me and Molly here...."

"Oh you two can go ahead. I'll just wait around for John." I said, taking a sip.

Paul cleared his throat. "Oh em....John well he...he's upstairs with..."

"With a girl." I finished. He nodded as Tiff noticed the hurt look on my face. She was about to speak until I went on. "You two go ahead alright? I'll look for George."

"Are you sure?" She asked. I nodded and gave a smile.

"Of course. Go on."

This took Paul no more encouraging as he led Tiffany out of the room. I giggled at them and made my way to the back, grabbing a cigarette and fumbling in my purse for a lighter as I stepped into the back yard.

"Need a light?"

I turned and noticed the guy I saw at the club yesterday. He was wearing a dark blue sweater. Black jeans and combed hair. The small flame from his lighter making his face glow. I leaned in as he lit the end of my cig. I smiled.


"No pronlem. John must like ye to invite you back to one of his parties." He smiled.

"Oh um, were just friends. I thought this was Paul's party."

"Paul's house, John's party." He shrugged. I nodded and watched him scan the small yard.

"You don't seem like someone know.."

"Who what? Likes rock n roll?" He smiled. I nodded. He shrugged again. "I like the music. The atmosphere. The sound and people who come with it. John and I go to the same college. That's how we met."

"What do you study?" I asked, sitting on a chair. He sat beside me.

"Art. That's what I am. An artist...or what I strive to be. John loves art, he's a great mate. But he's fuckin reckless." He laughed. I smiled.

"You two must get along well. I've only known him for such a short period and I can see how he can intimidate a guy."

"I dunno I mean to me he's just John. Rock n roll or not. He's great for a chat and a laugh. I'm sorry I haven't had your name."

"It's Molly." I extended my hand out to him. He took it.

"Stuart. You can call me Stu though. So Molly, what is it that you do?" He asked, sitting back. I felt a little tingling inside. A guy wanting to get to know me. Wanting to spend time with me. Just talk.

"Well Stu, I'm actually a waitress. Nothing to be quite proud of." I sighed. "But I do love to write. Words and poems. Stories."

Writing's nice. I'm more better with a brush than a journal and a pen."

I giggled and looked up at the sky.

"I love your laugh." He turned to me. Giving a cute smile. I blushed and smiled back, biting my lip. We broke our stare when we heard Grorge yell my name.

"Molly we need to go! Get Tiff to take me to the hospital!"

"Why!? What's wrong??" I asked, panic setting in.

"Mum's collapsed! I think she's had an attack! Come on!" He yelled, running inside. I stood up and flicked my cig. Stu followed.

"Look Stu I..."

"It's no problem. You should go." He gave a small smile. I nodded.

"G'night. Tell John I'm sorry I missed him."

He nodded and gave a small wave as I hurriedly made my way inside among the crowd of people. I saw Tiffany and Paul sitting together on the sofa, laughing and talking. I walked over and tapped her shoulder.

"Come on. We need to go. George's mom had an accident. He wants you to take him to the hospital."

She looked at me worriedly and stood up, saying goodbye to Paul, grabbing her purse and coat.

"Tell George I'll call later alright?" Paul said, as he followed us out the front door. I nodded.

"I will." I said, hurriedly making my way into Tiff's car. George already in the backseat.

"Fuckin hell. If something happens I..." He said shakily.

"Shhhh George. Your mom will be alright. She's a strong woman. She has to be." I said quietly, trying to stay strong for George.

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