Chapter 26.

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Tiffany and I got in her car, driving up and down the streets of Liverpool until we saw Stu walking down the sidewalk, hands in pockets, looking tired. She parked behind a truck and we sat silently, staring out the window. He looked around and made his way into one of the houses. I bit my lip and sat back.

"Who's place is that?" She asked.

I shrugged. "I dunno Tiff. I've never been down this street before. D'you think he could be...cheating?"

"He wouldn't dare cheat on you, i mean you're fuckin gorgeous."

I blushed. "Thanks. I just...why would he hide this from me??"

"Look he's probably just visiting a friend or..."

"Cheating." I finished. She sighed.

"You trust him don't you?"

I nodded. "I do but...."

"Then keep that trust. If he is cheating, I'll just kill him."

I smiled. "Thanks for being here. I just can't help feeling nervous you know?"

"Stuart loves you. If he truly does, he'd have no reason to go out on you. Look at me."

I looked at her and pouted. He kissed my cheek.

"Everything will be fine. Come on, I'll drop you off at home. I have work still."

"Okay. When do you think you'll be back?"

"Six. Why?"

I just smiled. "Stuart's been kind of down lately. He's been so stressed, feeling like the world is against him. I just think maybe...if you could help me out with relieving some of his tension..."

She blushed and bit her lip. "Are you suggesting what I think you're suggesting??"

"Maybe? I dunno maybe if he sees I'm adventurous he might..."

"Okay." She said happily. I blinked.

"That's it? I thought it'd take much more convincing and stuttering."

"Oh believe me I've been through my shares of threesomes. It's nothing new to me. Besides, anything to get you out of those clothes again I'm willing to go for." She winked. I blushed again, giggling as she drove me back home.

I sat around the apartment, cleaning up and waiting for everyone to return. Getting a call from John telling me he was staying with Paul was music to my ears. So I managed to run around the place, lighting candles, putting on a record and making a light dish. Tiff arrived later than I expected but still home before Stuart, looking around the place.

"Wow talk about romantic!"


"Thank's Tiff. Just waiting for Stu now."

I stood against the counter, biting my nails and staring at thr clock.

"Hey." Tiffany walked over and rested her hands on my shoulders. "Calm down alright?"

"What if he doesn't come home?? I mean who is he with for this long??"

"You're overthinking things babe. Relax."


"Relax." She pressed a finger to my lips, soon replaced by her own. I parted my lips, enjoying taste of her skin. She rested a hand on my cheek and slid her tongue with mine.


"What's this??"

We both broke away to see Stu standing by the table, setting his keys down.

"Oh um...we were just.."

"Molly was just having a bad day. I came home, saw an opprotunity and took it."

He just stayed silent and sat down. Tiff and I exchanged looks. Of course she was always the one to break the ice.

"So Stuart...your lady here was worried all day wondering where you were."

"I was busy....working." he grabbed the bottle of liquour off the table.

"You didn't tell me you were working. What's the job?" I asked.

"Just one of those side things from the what's the occasion?" He asked, changing the subject.

"Just something to welcome Tiff for moving in. That's all." I smiled.

"Alright then. I'm just goin to catch some telly and probably sleep." He stood up and was about to make his way to the living room when I ran over and pulled his hand.

"Eeeum dinner is finished baby."

"Oh. Alright then." He smiled and kissed my cheek. I served everyone and soon we were all at the table, eating silently and enjoying the food.

"This is really good love."

I blushed. "Thanks. So um, what's this job?"

He stayed silent. "Oh ye know...just the usual."

I set my fork down. "I might be missing something cause I don't know what the usual is."

"Can we please just get off it? It's nothing of your concern."

"You're my husband of course it's my concern."

Tiff sat silently, feeling awkward and watching our conversation.

"Well the missus doesn't need to be concerned cause it's none of her buisness."



We both just looked at each other. He tossed his fork down and stood up, grabbing his coat.

"Where are you going??" I stood up.

"Out. I 'ave things to do."


"Why can't you just let me be Molly!? It's always Where are you going? Who are you with? Call me once you get there. What time will you be back? I can't hear it anymore!"

I pouted and sat back down silently. He just sighed and left out the door.

"Should we follow him?"

I shook my head. "No. He makes me worry about him all day and expects things to be fine...he's got another thing coming."

I stood up and stormed to the closet, grabbing a tight, revealing outfit and brushing my hair.

"What are you doing??"

"He wants to go out on me...I can sure as hell do the same thing."

"With who??"

Just then, John walked in, looking glum. "Yeah I'm back. Things didn't work out at Paul's. You lot want to go out?"

I smiled at Tiffany. "We sure do."

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