Chapter 27

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We entered the club all in our going out clothes and enjoying the loud atmosphere. The smell of beer and sweat filled the air. I couldn't help feeling quite guilty being out with someone who wasn't Stu but he left without a clue. For all I knew he ran off with his mistress and was having a free fuck at the moment. The thought made my blood boil.

John didn't seem to care since to him this was just a typical night out with his two friends. To our luck, we spotted Paul and George sitting at a table, having a drink and a laugh.

"Aye you two buggers. Like some company?" John asked, taking a seat.

Tiffany quickly sat with Paul and everyone began talking. I had to admit, my plan on revenge on Stu was beginning to fade. All I could think about was Stuart. His touch. Kisses. Conversations. The way he would hold my hand under the table as if nobody knew about our relationship.

"Hey. You alright?" George asked, breaking my thoughts. I looked at him and shook my head.

"No. I'm not alright."

"Stuart huh?"

"Yes. I just....we had a fight and...he left. Instead of trusting him I went to conclusions."

"Where did he go?"

"That's the thing. I don't know. Tiffany and I followed him earlier and he went into some house I've never seen before."

He raised his eyebrows. "You don't think...No that's impossible. Stu isn't the cheating type."

"Who knows. Maybe he's bored of me by now. He wants a girl who's more compatible with his art side. Someone who'll fit his profile." I sulked.

"You're perfect Molly. Nobody could ever get bored of you."

I blushed. "Thank you George. I just....I thought being here would rise my mood but it's just made me realize how lonely I am without him. Hey, at least you're single huh?"

"Actually um...."

Just then a young girl walked over. "I'm sorry I'm a little late. My parents wouldn't let me out right away...."

"It's alright. Molly this is Jenna. Jenna, my friend Molly." George introduced.

We just gave a fake smile to one another. I could tell she didn't like the fact George spent his time talking to a girl and I didn't like the idea of him being with another girl. We were just friends just felt odd.

"Well um...I should get going."

"Aye love we just got 'ere!" John pouted, taking a long drink from his glass. I sighed.

"I think I just need some rest. I'll see you guys late huh?"

They all sadly said their goodbyes and I glanced at George, his eyes looking into mine until I looked away and walked out of the building.

The smell of burnt wood filled the air. I yawned and buried my hands in my pockets, walking quietly down the road, to our apartment. As I walked, I passed a shop with posters and ads. One for a art show tonight. I thought of Stuart. What if he's there? What if he just went back to the apartment? What if he's still god knows where?? Who is he with?? My head was throbbing just thinking thew worst.

"Stuart where are you?" I whispered to myself.

I decided to just go home. To go to bed. He wasn't there. I didn't even shower. I just washed my face and had a glass of wine before getting in bed and snuggling with his pillow.

"Please come home." I began to cry. My tears staining my cheeks. The smell of his cologne on the fabric. I sniffled and shut my eyes. "Come home."

I must have been asleep for a few hours. Not too long though since it was still dark out when I awoke.

"Molly." I heard a whisper.

I mumbled and moved around. "Hmm?"

"Molly wake up."

I groaned and turned on my back, opening my eyes. "Stuart? Where have you been? What time is it?"

"It's one thirty. I want to talk to you."

My stomach turned into a nervous knot. I sat up as he turned a lamp on. He wore his black coat still. Hair dishevled and eyes full of seriousness.

"About what?" I asked.

"I know you've been worried about me. About where I've been and...who I've been with."

I nodded as he went on. "Molly..." he reached for my hand and squeezed it. I felt myself worrying again.

"I've been seeing someone."


He nodded and looked at me. "It's not what you think."

"Then tell me Stuart. Help me understand." I scooted closer to him. He took a breath and shook his head.

"I think I'm dying."

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