Chapter 34.

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New York. Greenwich Village. This is where Stuart and I planned on staying for our two weeks away from England. We were the excited pair of love birds packing and ready for our home away from home.

"Who knows, maybe this can be a yearly thing. What d'you think?" He asked while looking through our closet.

"Depends how things go." I smiled, brushing my hair. "First, we need to figure out where our babies will stay."

Stu looked at the mattress where Minxy and Popkins napped.

"What about your parents?"

"That's a good idea. I should pay them a visit anyways. Since Sarah had her sister.." I trailed off.

"You alright?"

I sighed. "Its weird saying that. I've been a single child for such a long time and to think...know I have a sister now it just weirds me out."

"I forgot what her name is."

"They named her after my mom."
He just watched as I stared at my hands. The memories of her just flooding my mind.

"She would have loved you." I smiled. "She always wanted me to fall in love with an artist. Someone with a gentle heart and free spirit."

In that moment I began to cry. Stuart walked over and held me as I buried my face in his chest.

"Shhh Molly its alright."

"I miss her so much sometimes. I keep telling myself to move on and that I have but she's always in my head."

"She's in a better place Molly. Look we leave tomorrow....I still have some things to sort out here. Maybe you can use this time to have a visit with your dad."

I sniffled. "That sounds nice. I'll take the kittens too."

He kissed the top of my head. "That's my girl."

I walked alone the cold familiar street, a small box in hand as I stopped in front of my old front door. Before I could knock, the door opened.

"I thought that was you I saw walking by. Just yesterday I was thinking, what ever happened to my little girl?" Dad smiled. I blushed and kissed his cheek, walking inside. It smelled of apple and pumpkin.

"I'm here dad. Actually for a favor but...also for other reasons." I sat on the sofa. Before he could follow, Sarah walked into the room with the baby in her arms.

"I thought I heard you." She smiled. "You never came to meet her."

I bit my lip and set the box beside me. "I've been busy. Three months now?"

"Yes. You want to say hello?" She walked closer until I spoke.

" I mean...can I have something to drink?"

Sarah and dad just looked at one another.

"I'll um, get you some tea." She left quickly. Dad sat across from me and folded his hands.


"Dad." I looked at him. He sighed.

"Is there something bothering you?"

I stayed silent and shrugged. "No. Yes. I dunno dad I just..."

"Molly I'm father just tell me..."

"Why? Why moms name??"

"I thought you'd be happy.."

"I wanted to be happy. I wanted to be excited to have a sister. I wanted lots of things but moms name??"

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